Today’s show is hosted by Kerby Anderson. His first guest is Melissa Fisher. She will tell us about her new book, “The Way of Hope.” Kerby’s next guest is Dr. Jarrett Stephens. Jarrett is teaching pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church. He has a book, “The Mountains Are Calling: Making the Climb for a Clearer View of God and Ourselves,” an inspirational and biblical look at the revelations of God to his people from mountains. Join us for a mountain top experience. Dr. Wayne Grudem is Kerby’s final guest. His book, “Christian Ethics,” is an introduction to biblical moral reasoning.

There's a better way--the way of hope. With deep understanding born from her own painful experiences, Melissa Fisher shows that somewhere between the extremes of condemning and condoning is compassion. In this book, she aims to equip the church to make a positive difference in the lives of those hurting from relational or sexual brokenness. Perfect for pastors, parents, siblings, and friends of the ten million people in America who identify as LGBTQ, who long to love them well.

An overview of the mountaintop experiences mentioned in Scripture where God met with his followers for the express purpose of greater clarity on two questions: Who is God? and Who am I? Each chapter provides the reader with a clear picture of God's character and how those attributes both challenge and encourage us.

Dr. Grudem is the author of over twenty-five books. Additionally, he served as the general editor for the ESV Study Bible (Crossway, 2008) and was the primary author of many included articles related to ethics.
Dr. Grudem is a former president of the Evangelical Theological Society, cofounder and former president of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, and a member of the Translation Oversight Committee for the English Standard Version of the Bible. He and his wife, Margaret, have been married since 1969 and have three adult sons.
Best-selling author and professor Wayne Grudem distills over forty years of teaching experience into a single volume aimed at helping readers apply a biblical worldview to difficult ethical issues, including wealth and poverty, marriage and divorce, birth control, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, business practices, environmental stewardship, telling the truth, knowing God’s will, understanding Old Testament laws, and more.