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left_flag Tuesday, February 23
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Today’s show is hosted by Kerby Anderson. His first guest is Melissa Fisher. She will tell us about her new book, “The Way of Hope.” Kerby’s next guest is Dr. Jarrett Stephens. Jarrett is teaching pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church. He has a book, “The Mountains Are Calling: Making the Climb for a Clearer View of God and Ourselves,” an inspirational and biblical look at the revelations of God to his people from mountains. Join us for a mountain top experience. Dr. Wayne Grudem is Kerby’s final guest. His book, “Christian Ethics,” is an introduction to biblical moral reasoning. 

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Melissa Fisher Show Page
Melissa Fisher
Writer | Speaker | Church Consultant
Melissa Fisher is writer, speaker, and church consultant. Having seen God's power work in her own life, she is passionate about seeing the lost, broken, de-churched, and unchurched find freedom, healing, and fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Formerly on staff at Gateway church, she now spends her time helping equip churches and ministries around the world engage the hearts of those seeking answers to questions on gender, sexuality, and faith. When she's not traveling in her van, she lives in Austin, TX and calls Gateway Church home.
Way of Hope
Most churches today struggle to answer the same-sex relationship debate that is quickly transforming our culture, our kids, and our churches. As a result, Christians struggle to demonstrate love and grace to those with same-sex attraction. That means that more and more people who are looking for truth and a place where they belong are deciding that the church is either indifferent to their struggle or outright hostile to "people like them."

There's a better way--the way of hope. With deep understanding born from her own painful experiences, Melissa Fisher shows that somewhere between the extremes of condemning and condoning is compassion. In this book, she aims to equip the church to make a positive difference in the lives of those hurting from relational or sexual brokenness. Perfect for pastors, parents, siblings, and friends of the ten million people in America who identify as LGBTQ, who long to love them well.
Jarrett Stephens Show Page
Jarrett Stephens, PhD
Teaching Pastor - Prestonwood Baptist Church
Jarrett Stephens is the teaching pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, one of the largest and fastest-growing megachurches in North America. The Mountains Are Calling: Making the Climb for a Clearer View of God and Ourselves (Aug. 7, 2018, Multnomah) is his first book. Stephens graduated from Ouachita Baptist University with a bachelor of arts in biblical studies and psychology. He received a master of divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and a doctorate of ministry from Liberty Theological Seminary. He and his wife Debbie, live in Lewisville, Texas with their daughters.
The Mountains are Calling
The teaching pastor of one of America's largest megachurches gives a call to action: Study the mountains mentioned in Scripture. Learn what God reveals there about himself, and you. Then take those truths back to the people.

An overview of the mountaintop experiences mentioned in Scripture where God met with his followers for the express purpose of greater clarity on two questions: Who is God? and Who am I? Each chapter provides the reader with a clear picture of God's character and how those attributes both challenge and encourage us.
Wayne_Grudem show page
Wayne Grudem, PhD
Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies - Phoenix Seminary
Wayne Grudem (BA, Harvard; PhD, University of Cambridge; MDiv and DD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is research professor of theology and biblical studies at Phoenix Seminary. Much of his teaching experience has focused on areas related to ethics. During his time at Bethel College in St. Paul, Minnesota (1977–81), he taught ethics courses to undergraduate students. Over the course of his twenty years at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois (1981–2001), and in his current position at Phoenix Seminary (since 2001), he frequently teaches graduate level and elective courses on ethics.

Dr. Grudem is the author of over twenty-five books. Additionally, he served as the general editor for the ESV Study Bible (Crossway, 2008) and was the primary author of many included articles related to ethics.

Dr. Grudem is a former president of the Evangelical Theological Society, cofounder and former president of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, and a member of the Translation Oversight Committee for the English Standard Version of the Bible. He and his wife, Margaret, have been married since 1969 and have three adult sons.
Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Biblical Moral Reasoning
What does the Bible teach about how to live in today’s world?

Best-selling author and professor Wayne Grudem distills over forty years of teaching experience into a single volume aimed at helping readers apply a biblical worldview to difficult ethical issues, including wealth and poverty, marriage and divorce, birth control, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, business practices, environmental stewardship, telling the truth, knowing God’s will, understanding Old Testament laws, and more.




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