Penna Dexter is guest hosting today’s show. Join Penna as she welcomes Michele Howe in the first hour who will be talking about her new book called Preparing, Adjusting, and Loving the Empty Nest AND in the second hour, Stella Morabito who will be talking about Social Emotional Learning.
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Preparing, Adjusting, and Loving the Empty Nest covers new and more in-depth topics related to the empty-nest stage of life. The author invites you to sit down and “linger a while in all things empty nest related—then go a step further and reflect upon the life lessons other empty-nest parents have discovered.”

The following is from the intro to me at FRC:
Today Stella will talk about the agenda in education called "Social and Emotional Learning" or SEL. Advocates of SEL seek a government mandate to teach it in every school. Stella asks us to explore with her how such a bureaucratically-controlled agenda enforces conformity of thought and attitudes. She is especially interested in how SEL can be used to regulate and control personal relationships.