Our first guest on the show today is Erick Schenkel, author and executive director of The JESUS Film Project. He tells us about his new book, Everyone, Everywhere: Glimpses of God’s Global Work Through People Like You. Kerby’s next guest is Daniel Crane. Professor Crane will bring us information on his new book, “7 Books That Rocked the Church.” And in the final hour Kerby will welcome Leslie Montgomery. She is the co-author of the biography, “The Faith of Mike Pence.“

In some respects, it is not a surprise that God is at work. What is a surprise is that God is at work through us, when He could choose to work alone. He invites you, and everyone, to partner with him, not just to do the work but to experience the success and joy that comes with taking a leap of faith.
As you read through this book, you will be both challenged and inspired by these stories. The hope is that you will see the world around you differently because God is at work in you. That is the exciting promise He offers—that you can participate in the most life-changing adventure you could ever experience, the story of His incredible love for Everyone, Everywhere.

Engagingly written and thoughtfully researched, this book explores what the "fuss" was all about with books ranging in date from the second century after Christ to more contemporary authors. Books by Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Galileo Galilei, and many others profoundly upset the church by calling into question foundational Christian doctrines or beliefs. Most of the books discussed here were banned at some time by Christian authorities.
The author's aim is to challenge Christians to respond critically but open-mindedly to books that oppose a Christian worldview.

Leslie is also the founder of Yeshu’a Ministries, with the goal of helping people gain a better and closer relationship with the Lord through her writing, speaking, and teaching ministry. She has traveled to churches and conferences around the world through her evangelical ministry, sharing the Word of God.
Leslie has four children and six grandchildren. She resides in Boise, Idaho.