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left_flag Tuesday, January 23
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Hotline Numbers

National Human Trafficking Hotline – 888-373-7888

Human Trafficking / U.S. Customs and Border Protection – 866-347-2423

Join Penna Dexter as she welcomes Wesley J. Smith, Senior Fellow at Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism. January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Please listen in to hear Wesley’s unique insights. Her next guest is Linda Smith, Founder &  President of Shared Hope International, they will discuss will discuss the fight to end human sex trafficking.

During the second hour Penna talks with Jenny Beth Martin. Jenny Beth is one of the founders of the Tea Party Patriots. They’ll talk about the Oprah’s part in ending the culture of abuse on the Hill.

We would love to hear from you. Give us a call at 800-351-1212 or post on Facebook. The link is:

Penna Dexter
Penna Dexter

Point of View Co-Host, Penna Dexter frequently sits in as guest host for Kerby Anderson. Her weekly commentaries air on the Bott Radio Network. Penna’s heart is in educating and encouraging Christians to influence the culture and politics. She worked as a consultant overseeing the launch and production of the Family Research Council’s nationally syndicated radio program, Washington Watch Weekly. For eight yearsRead More

Wesley J Smith-Show Page
Wesley J. Smith
Senior Fellow - Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism
Lawyer and award winning author, Wesley J. Smith, is a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism. He is also a consultant to the Patients Rights Council. In May 2004, because of his work in bioethics, Smith was named one of the nation’s premier expert thinkers in bio-engineering by the National Journal.
Linda Smith Show Page
Linda Smith
Founder & President - Shared Hope International
Linda Smith is a leader in the global movement to end sex trafficking. In 1998, while serving in the U.S. Congress, Linda traveled to a notorious brothel district in India where the hopeless faces of women and children forced into prostitution compelled Linda to found Shared Hope International. Linda is the primary author of From Congress to the Brothel and Renting Lacy and co-author of The National Report on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking and the DEMAND. Report. Linda has testified before Congress, presented at national and international forums, and has been published in news outlets and journals. Linda served as a Washington State legislator (1983-93), before she was elected to the U.S. Congress in 1994.
Jenny Beth Martin Show Page
Jenny Beth Martin
Co-founder & Leader - Tea Party Patriots
Under the leadership of Jenny Beth Martin, Tea Party PatriotsCitizens Fund has grown to be the largest and most effective nationalumbrella group within the Tea Party movement. Jenny Beth Martin and Tea PartyPatriots Citizens Fund now use their network to reach millions of Americansevery week with education and updates about fiscal responsibility, free marketprinciples, and constitutionally limited government. Because of her continualinvolvement in the major events that set the course of the United Statesgovernment, Jenny Beth Martin is a frequent guest on almost every majortelevision, radio, print, and online news outlet in America. In 2010 TimeMagazine listed Jenny Beth Martin as one of the 100 Most Influential Leaders inthe World. Her first book, “TeaParty Patriots: The Second American Revolution”, was published in 2012.
She is a lifelong Georgian and has a bachelor’s degree fromthe University of Georgia. Jenny Beth is the mother of boy-girl twins.
Stop Human Trafficking
National Slavery & Human Trafficking Prevention Month
By: Wesley J. Smith - - December 30, 2017 No human being should ever be treated as an object. Human exceptionalism holds that every one of us is inherently equal, both in moral value, and properly, under ...
oprah winfrey @ GG
Oprah and the Culture of Abuse on the Hill
By: Jenny Beth Martin - - January 9, 2018 Since the revelations last year about the alleged evil sexual abuse Harvey Weinstein visited upon young women looking to make their way in the entertainment ...




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