Our host today is our own Kerby Anderson. For the first hour, Kerby talks with Jim Denison. Dr. Denison’s new book releases today, so he joins Kerby to talk about it. The book is “The Coming Tsunami.” In the second hour, Kerby welcomes David Curry, who will share the 2022 Watch List from Open Doors. His final guest is Dave Sterrett. Dave brings us his new book, “Jesus Conversations.” Your questions and comments are welcome at 800-351-1212 or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio/videos

evangelism, bioethics, and apologetics. He has authored, or co-authored nine books including We Choose Life: Authentic Stories, Moments of Hope. Dave and his wife, Michelle, live in Columbus, Ohio.
How are we to talk about Jesus to someone who does not believe the way we do? Very few of us feel comfortable articulating the truthfulness of Christ’s death and resurrection to a peer outside of the church. Sometimes Christians feel intimidated by the objections of unbelievers who may say, “That’s right for you, but not for me” or “That’s just your opinion.” This book provides questions, answers, and relational tips in overcoming these conversation stoppers. Along with biblical insights and apologetics, readers will see firsthand examples and stories of ordinary people who share the gospel while visiting nursing homes, throwing parties, renting out bars for open- minded skeptics, and more.

Since joining Open Doors USA in August 2013, Curry has traveled overseas to encourage those living under persecution and to support the work of Open Doors. He appears frequently on Fox News and is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post. Curry has also been published or featured on major networks and in other news outlets.
Curry previously served as CEO and president at Christian organizations that serve the homeless and neglected children in several countries, including India and Haiti.
Curry is the author of four books and holds a bachelor's degree from Northwest University in Seattle and an honorary doctorate of humane letters from Faith Evangelical College and Seminary based in Tacoma, Washington.
Based in Santa Ana, California, Curry and his wife have two children.