Unanswered: Lasting Truth for Trending Questions
You cannot Google the answers to the probing questions in this book! People who investigate the Christian faith often stop short because they have searing questions that most believers simply cannot answer. Additionally, "de–conversions"―people leaving the church―are on the increase. The trigger point of their departure is often an unanswered question! International author, professor, and gifted teacher, Jeremiah Johnston, Ph.D., does not back away from the toughest questions, rather he provides you with solid, substantive answers. Unanswered gives you information, insight and confidence to help your friend or loved one discover God's divine tapestry for good in life's bleakest moments! You will discover priceless confidence and peace in your own circumstances through this critical book. Unanswered is that indispensable resource tool for your own study, small group or Bible study class you attend.
After receiving more than four thousand questions at his Christian Thinkers Society events, Dr. Jeremiah Johnston recognized six categories of recurring, trending questions.