Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show!
In the first hour he updates us on today’s hot topics. In the next hour he welcomes guest Dr. J.P. Moreland who will be sharing his new book, “Finding Quiet: My Story of Overcoming,” about finding freedom from anxiety through biblical spiritual practices. In the final hour Point of View‘s guest is Author, TV Host, & Founder of Living Waters, Ray Comfort. Kerby & Ray will talk about Ray’s new book, “Faith is For Weak People.”
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More than a decade later, Moreland continues to manage mental illness. Yet along the way he's moved from shame and despair to vulnerability and hope. In Finding Quiet Moreland comes alongside fellow sufferers with encouragement and practical, hard-won advice. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, nearly 20 percent of Americans suffer from mental illness, and people in the pews are not immune. Moreland explores the spiritual and physical aspects of mental illness, pointing readers toward sound sources of information, treatment, and recovery.

- What physical proof is there that God even exists?
- Why does a "loving" God threaten eternal torture for not believing in him?
- If there's an all-powerful God, why is the world so out of control?
Don't go into battle unarmed. Let Ray Comfort train you to be ready with an answer, not so you can be right, but so you can help bring people from darkness into light.