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left_flag Tuesday, March 17
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Today is our Tuesday show with host Kerby Anderson! In addition to all the insider knowledge on what’s happening in America, he will be talking with Texas State Representative Phil King about the importance of redistricting and the census. Then Kerby will speak with Max Lucado. Max will be on-air to tell us about his current book, “Jesus: The God Who Knows Your Name” and his expanded devotional Bible, “The Lucado Encouraging Word Bible.” In the final hour Kerby will give us an in-depth report of the weekend’s progress fighting COVID-19 as he speaks with Dr. Roger D. Klein. Dr. Klein is a molecular pathologist and an attorney. As a medical expert and a policy advisor, he will bring us his wisdom.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Max Lucado Show Page
Max Lucado
Author & Pastor - Oak Hills Church
Max Lucado’s childhood was both idyllic and simple. Max was raised in Andrews, Texas, a town with a population smaller than the current membership of Oak Hills Church. Max’s dad was an oilfield mechanic and his mother a nurse. He spent much of his childhood chasing or being chased by his beloved brother Dee. Once Max became a teenager, rebellion kicked in. After one specific drunken night, Max began to wonder if there was more to life than parties and chasing girls. He believes now that if Jesus hadn’t changed his heart, alcoholism would have been in his future.
Jesus: The God Who Knows Your Name
By exploring Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection as well as specific details like how he interacted with his friends and his enemies, what he did with time alone, how he acted at a party, this compilation from Max Lucado—now with original never-before-read content from Max—gives readers the chance to become more familiar with the man at the center of the greatest story ever told.

Max writes “Don’t settle for a cursory glance or a superficial understanding. Look long into the heart of Christ and you’ll see it. Grace and life. Forgiveness of sin. The defeat of death. This is the hope he gives.”

Jesus wants you to know him. As you read these pages, may the Hero of all history talk to you personally, and may you find in him the answer to your deepest needs.
The Lucado Encouraging Word Bible, NIV
The Lucado Encouraging Word Bible is designed to encourage believers along their journey with the Lord. Max Lucado’s warm, conversational style ensures that the marginal notes, short articles, and various study tools meet you where you are, providing encouragement and insight. This Bible will strengthen you as you follow the included reading plan and incorporate this Bible into your daily devotional life. The 30-day study guide will help you jumpstart this practice. This Bible will help you as a believer, and with Pastor Lucado’s gentle yet powerful notes, it’s a beautiful gift for your non-believing friends and family who could use some encouragement with Scripture.

Features include:

+ Fully redesigned and expanded Bible from Max Lucado (based on the Life Lessons Bible)
+ 98 new “People of the Word” articles encourage believers through the lessons learned by people throughout the Bible
+ 691 “For Your Journey” marginal notes mix masterful storytelling with biblical context to lead you into a deeper walk with the Lord
+ 115 “Jesus Through the Bible,” and “Growing in Christ” articles provide both inspiration and practical lessons to build you up
+ 30-day personal or group Bible study enriches your knowledge of the Bible
“God Cares for You” and “Growing Up Spiritually” verses are subject-specific and provide another resource in your study of the Bible
+ “Where to turn when . . . ” Scripture reference list means you can always find a biblical answer to the challenges you face
+ Dotted margin space for journaling or taking notes Bible book introductions contain a brief outline of the book and an introduction written by Max Lucado
+ Bible reading plan
+ Full-color maps
+ Clear and readable NIV Comfort Print® 9-point type size
Phil King Show Page
Phil King
State Representative for District 61 - Texas House of Representatives
As State Representative for the 61st District, Phil King represents the people of Parker and Wise counties in the Texas Legislature. He has earned a reputation as a principle-driven conservative who consistently provides key leadership in passing some of Texas’ most sweeping public policy legislation.

King serves on the National Board of Directors for the American Legislative Exchange Council and was the 2015 National Chair. He also chairs ALEC’s Center for Innovation and Technology and is the Public Sector Chair for the Task Force on Homeland Security. King also serves as Vice-Chairman on the Board of Directors of the Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute.

In the Texas House, King serves as Chair of Redistricting Committee and serves on the State Affairs and the Criminal Jurisprudence Committee.

Phil was a police officer for 15 years and continues to serve in the Texas State Guard. He is a practicing attorney and small business owner. Representative King and his family have been active members of Trinity Bible Church since 1984. Phil and his wife Terry are the proud parents of six children, ten granddaughters and five grandsons.
Roger Klein Show Page
Roger D. Klein, MD, JD
Medical Expert | Advisor - Regulatory Transparency Project’s FDA and Health Working Group
Roger D. Klein, MD JD is an Expert with the Federalist Society Regulatory Transparency Project’s FDA & Health Working Group, a former HHS Advisor to FDA, CMS and CDC, and a leading authority on public policies related to the implementation of precision medicine. A physician and an attorney, Dr. Klein was previously Medical Director of Molecular Oncology at Cleveland Clinic, and has served in leadership roles in many cancer-related professional society committees, including current Chair of the Association for Molecular Pathology’s (AMP’s) Solid Tumors Division. Notably, Dr. Klein was an Expert and key spokesperson for AMP in its landmark lawsuit in which the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated patents on “the breast cancer genes.” He is a frequent guest on national radio and television programs and a regular opinion contributor to The Hill, the Daily Caller, Real Clear Health, Investor’s Business Daily, and other periodicals. Dr. Klein completed post-graduate medical training at Yale Medical School and obtained his J.D. from Yale Law School.
Kirkland, Wash. Patient taken from Nursing Home
Overregulation is Making Coronavirus Outbreak More Dangerous
By: Roger D. Klein - - March 7, 2020 Earlier this week, The Washington Post reported that the coronavirus may have spread undetected for weeks in Washington state, where the first two virus-related deaths in ...
Trump press briefing covid-19
15 Days to Slow the Spread
By: Staff - - March 16, 2020 This afternoon, President Trump and the White House Coronavirus Task Force issued new guidelines to help protect Americans during the global Coronavirus outbreak. The new recommendations are simple ...
Texas Representative Phil King
Redistricting After the Census
By: Mark Fleming - - February 9, 2020 With the 2020 Census right around the corner, the Texas Legislature in gearing up for the next round of redistricting that will need to take place in ...



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