To begin the show, Kerby discusses our flag, terrorists in America, and Biden’s AI policy. Our first hour guest is Lana Silk. She joins Kerby to discuss ministering Christ to the Iranian people and praying for Muslims during Ramadan. In our second hour, host Kerby Anderson welcomes David Bahnsen. A theologian & wealth management expert, David brings us his new book, Full-Time: Work and the Meaning of Life.
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Lana was born and raised in Iran before emigrating to the UK where she completed her education at Imperial College, London, gaining an honors degree in Computer Engineering. Her postgraduate studies in Marketing Communication Strategy led her to a career in services marketing, before specializing in branding and fundraising, where she consulted for several years particularly for the nonprofit sector. With over 20 years marketing experience across all media, Lana has a passion to see small businesses and startups gain their voice in a competitive environment. Lana has also worked as a church minister, worship leader, and most recently a college chaplain, where she took further post graduate studies in working with youth, with a focus on mental health and safeguarding. She is tri-lingual and considers it her life calling to represent and advocate for the people of Iran in the West. Lana currently lives with her husband and three children in Ohio, USA, actively operating Transform Iran’s mission.

Ramadan brings a unique opportunity for Christians to remember and pray for their Muslim neighbors. It also serves as a provocative challenge to followers of Christ in terms of their own spiritual disciplines particularly in prayer and fasting.

This book is not your normal “defense of work” book. Whether you are a leader, a follower, a boss, an employee, in a white collar or blue collar job, highly paid or “just getting by,” this book is for you. A life of meaning is right under your nose, and with it the joy and peace of a life well-lived.