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left_flag Tuesday, November 12
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

One of Point of View’s best Tuesday shows – hosted by Kerby Anderson! He’ll talk to Ivy Nichols about sex-trafficking and the church in China.  Then Kerby will welcome Chelsey Youman as his co-host. They’ll be joined by Rachel Bovard in the 1-2 CST hour. Then in the final hour Shane Pruitt joins them.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Ivy Nichols Show Page
Ivy Nichols
Sumners Scholar | Writer - Point of View Ministries
Ivy Nichols is a resident of Richardson, TX. Her home school education gave her a lifelong love of learning. During high school she was actively involved in Youth & Government.
In college, she was a Hatton W. Sumners scholar, participating in several international Model United Nations conferences. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Howard Payne University with a Bachelor of Arts in Public and Media Communication, International Political Science, and the Guy D. Newman Honors Academy. Biblical Languages was her minor. Studying abroad in Austria, gave her the opportunity to learn about several different European cultures before interning in Dallas with the National Center for Policy Analysis.
She currently has an Etsy store named Goldberry’s Cottage, where she markets and sells her
handmade jewelry both online and at local art festivals. She writes for Point of View's Outlook Magazine.
Chelsey Youman
Chelsey Youman
Texas State Director & National Legislative Advisor - Human Coalition
Chelsey Youman, Esq., is Texas State Director & National Legislative Advisor for the Human Coalition. Human Coalition answers a common call: to do all they can to remove the stain of abortion from America. They are not simply against abortion, they are for life.

Formerly with First Liberty Institute, after working for a law firm in private practice, Youman received her Juris Doctor from Southern Methodist University, where she was a Dean’s Scholarship Recipient. She was also a member of the Board of Advocates, where she successfully argued in off-campus mock trial competitions, and was a member of the Aggie Law Society and SMU Christian Legal Society. During law school, she clerked for the Consumer Protection Division in the Office of the Attorney General of Texas and Liberty Institute.
Rachel Bovard Show Page
Rachel Bovard
Senior Partner | Policy Director - Conservative Partnership Institute
Rachel Bovard, named one of National Journal’s “Most Influential Women in Washington Under 35.” She is a highly-respected policy expert who worked in Congress. She is now senior partner and policy director of the Conservative Partnership Institute.
Shane Pruitt Show Page
Shane Pruitt, PhD
Director of Evangelism - Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
Shane Pruitt and his wife, Kasi, live near Dallas, Texas, with their five children. Pruitt has been in ministry for more than 17 years as a denominational leader, church planter, and traveling communicator. He holds a B.S. in biblical studies and a PhD in Christian counseling. Shane serves as Director of Evangelism for the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. A popular blogger, Pruitt has written for Relevant, Christianity Today, the Christian Post, and other online journals. A video showing their children celebrating the surprise arrival of one of their adopted siblings went viral and the story was covered on ABC News and Inside Edition, as well as many other media outlets.
Hunter Biden
Impeachment Witnesses
By: William Cummings - - November 11, 2019 Republican lawmakers stepped up pressure Sunday on House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to allow them to call Vice President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, to testify in ...
remnant of berlin-wall
Berlin Wall and Socialism
By: John Fund - - Nopvember 10, 2019 Socialism is not cuddly or compassionate, and it has been tried many times, to ruinous effect. Will today’s young people have to learn this all over again? ...
Capitalism vs socialism
Kerby's Viewpoints column published November 11, 2019. He discusses the growing trend of younger voters towards Socialism.
Blaine Adamson
Religious Liberty and T-Shirts
By:  Steve West - - November 5, 2019 The Kentucky Supreme Court vindicated a Christian printer who didn’t want to print pro-LGBT messages, but the victory may prove hollow. The court dismissed an LGBT ...




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