Today on Point of View, Kerby welcomes Richard E. Simmons, founder and executive director for The Center for Executive Leadership, a faith-based outreach in Birmingham, Alabama. He has a book to share: Reflections on the Existence of God. In the second and final hour, he welcomes Scot McKnight. Professor McNight has a book to share, “A Church Called Tov“.
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Richard has a Economics Degree from University of the South. Richard is married and has three children.
In the end it is important to know whether God exists or He does not exist. There is no third option. Which of these beliefs is true and which one is not? --Richard E. Simmons III

How do we keep these devastating events from repeating themselves? We need a map to get us from where we are today to where we ought to be as the body of Christ. That map is in a mysterious and beautiful little Hebrew word in Scripture that we translate “good,” the word tov.
In this book, McKnight and Barringer explore the concept of tov―unpacking its richness and how it can help Christians and churches rise up to fulfill their true calling as imitators of Jesus.