Todd Nettleton from Voice of The Martyrs, joins Kerby for today’s show. They will be talking about the persecution of Christians. Then James Walker will be in studio to tell us about his latest book, “What the Qur’an Really Teaches About Jesus.” Finally, Luke Norsworthy will be on air with Kerby to talk about his new book, “God Over Good.”
In addition Kerby will keep us up to date on what’s happening in the world today.
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During 20 years serving at VOM, Todd has travelled the world to interview hundreds of Christians who’ve endured persecution in more than 20 nations. He has been interviewed more than 2,800 times by various media outlets, including CNN, The Associated Press, Los Angeles Times, the BBC, Moody Broadcast Network, Christian Broadcasting Network, Newsweek, The Voice of America, Mission Network News and Trinity Broadcasting Network.
In 2014 VOM launched a weekly radio program, which Todd hosts and produces. Guests have included Christians persecuted for their faith and family members of Christians martyred for following Christ. In 2016, the show was named Radio Program of the Year by National Religious Broadcasters (NRB). It airs weekly on more than 950 radio stations, and the podcast version reached #1 on iTunes’ “Religion and Spirituality” podcast chart.

James K. Walker, president of Watchman Fellowship, takes you through more than a dozen major similarities and differences between the Jesus of the Bible and the Jesus of the Qur'an. You will learn...
- how Islam affirms biblical concepts, even though it diverges from Scripture
- how the Qur'an promotes a deep respect of Jesus, while not identifying Him as a Savior
- how to cultivate conversational relationships with Muslims, despite your different beliefs and faith backgrounds
As Islam continues to spread rapidly across the globe and increases opportunities for personal interaction with Muslims, it's vital that you handle all matters of the Christian faith with wisdom and discernment. The more you know about what the Qur'an teaches, the better equipped you'll be to understand current events and to reach out with truth and love to your Muslim neighbors.

In a world that is messy and a church that is imperfect, it's easy to let our faith be lost. But that doesn't mean we have to lose God. It means we must consider the fact that perhaps our idealized expectations are just plain wrong. With transparency about his own struggles with cynicism and doubt, pastor Luke Norsworthy helps frustrated Christians and skeptics trade their confinement of God in an anemic definition of good for confidence in the God who is present in everything, including our suffering.