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left_flag Tuesday, November 30
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Welcome to our #GivingTuedsay show. Our Host Kerby Anderson opens with two amazing new guests. Professor Jay Moon and missionary consultant Bud Simon. They’ll have a lively discussion about their new book, Effective Intercultural Evangelism. Then Kerby updates us all with the top news stories affecting our world.

Don’t miss it, it’s going to be a great show.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Jay Moon Show Page
Jay Moon, PhD
Author | Professor of Church Planting & Evangelism - Director of Office of Faith, Work, & Economics at Asbury Theological Seminary
W. Jay Moon is professor of church planting and evangelism and director of the Office of Faith, Work, and Economics at Asbury Theological Seminary. Along with his wife and four children, Moon served for thirteen years as a missionary with SIM, primarily in Ghana, West Africa, among the Builsa people, focusing on church planting and water development. He is the author or editor of several books, including Intercultural Discipleship and Entrepreneurial Church Planting.
Bud Simon Show Page
Bud Simon
Author | Mission Consultant | Teacher
W. Bud Simon is a mission consultant who was a church planting missionary in Brazil for twenty years. His doctoral research at Asbury Theological Seminary explores the effects of the shame/honor worldview for evangelism in Brazil. Simon has presented at many academic conferences, including the Evangelical Missiological Society and the Association of Professors in Missiology. He regularly teaches on evangelism to missionaries and churches.
Effective Intercultural Evangelism: Good News in a Diverse World
We live in a multicultural society. But Christians often do not know how to engage those of other faiths. As a result, many Christians hesitate to talk about Christianity with others in any kind of evangelistic way. Jay Moon and Bud Simon unpack the intercultural dynamics that Christians need to understand when encountering people from different communities and cultural backgrounds. The authors draw on new research conducted with hundreds of participants that reveal concrete ways to communicate the gospel effectively across cultures. Sharing one's faith does not require attacking other religions; rather, we can engage at the worldview level in order to address people's deepest concerns. Greater understanding provides us with better skills for relational connection, empathy, and effective witness.
Biden grins and shrugs
Voters Are Saying No
Plummeting polls are sending a clear message to the Biden administration, but the president is deaf, dumb and blind to it.
biden-blurry Fauci - Christmas
Covid Policy
When it comes to the pandemic, the ‘adults’ in charge of the White House have failed miserably.
omicron-Coronavirus Variant
Omicron Non-Emergency
By: The Editorial Board - - November 29, 2021 The World Health Organization escalated its rhetoric, warning Monday that the new variant poses “a very high risk.” But there’s little we know about the ...
R. Jeffress on FoxNews re SCOTUS & abortion case
Abortion and the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court this week will hear arguments in the most consequential abortion case since Roe v. Wade.




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