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left_flag Tuesday, October 17
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

During the first hour of today’s show we hear from Al Perrotta, managing editor of The Stream. He tells us more about his recent article, The Harvey Weinstein Scandal.

In the second hour we hear from Bruce Peppin who joins us in-studio to talk about his book, The Best is Yet to Be: Moving Mountains in Midlife.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Al Perrotta
Managing Editor - The Stream
Al is the managing editor of The Stream. He was formerly the VP/creative director for All Comedy Radio, Voice of America producer and Passion Arts minister at Living Faith Christian Church in So. Cal. He is the co-author of the counter-terrorism memoir Hostile Intent, and several plays, including A Christmas Scene, The Table and the original musical Bethlehem. He’s married, with two puppies.
The Weinstein Horror Story
What do Angelina Jolie, Mira Sorvino and Gwyneth Paltrow all have in common? They’ve each won an Oscar and each just admitted they too were sexually harassed by Hollywood producing mogul Harvey Weinstein.

“I thought you were my Uncle Harvey,” Paltrow remembers thinking after Weinstein tried massaging her and invited her into his bedroom. She left.

Reading their accounts in The New York Times, Paltrow, Jolie and Sorvino got off lucky. A New Yorker magazine profile out today recounts three women alleging they were raped by Weinstein and four more who were groped. (They join actress Rose McGowan, who had already gone public with her rape allegation against Weinstein.)

The Horrible Weinstein Movie
Watching Hollywood react to the still-unfolding sex abuse allegations surrounding mogul Harvey Weinstein, I can’t help but feel we’re witnessing an epic production. It’s a movie currently shooting called Oh, This is Horrible! The plot: Hollywood’s elite pretend to be shocked, horrified and indignant over the revelations that one of their own is a sadistic sexual predator. With furrowed brow they call for massive, industry-wide changes and salute the bravery of the woman who’ve come forward.

Oh, This is Horrible! stars the greatest collection of A-List talent since It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World, and it is twice as frantic. They’ve even scored a spectacular cameo from Hillary Clinton.
Bruce Peppin
Bruce Peppin has served in executive leadership at Focus on the Family for more than 30 years. Before that he worked in local church ministry. Bruce spent more than a decade developing Scriptural principles to help inspire people to finish well. He holds a Master of Divinity Degree from Talbot School of Theology and a business degree from Long Beach State University in California. Bruce and his wife, Kathleen, live in Colorado Springs. They have two grown children and one grandson.
The Best Is Yet to Be: Moving Mountains in Midlife
No one needs to tell you that the crises of midlife are real. In fact, they can loom like mountains blocking your path. Kids grow up, parents grow old, spouses grow apart. Finances get strained and regrets are relentless—just when it should be getting easier! At this stage of life, it's easy to feel that our best years are behind us and somehow we've missed it.
Withdrawal is a Bad Idea
The temptation to withdraw from Iraq after the group is defeated will be overwhelming.

It should be resisted at all costs. I’m having a strong sense of déjà vu. Let’s rewind the tape to 2008. My unit, the Second Squadron, Third Armored Cavalry Regiment, had finally crushed al-Qaeda resistance in our battlespace. Suffering from immense losses in our province and nationwide, jihadists could no longer threaten the central government. In some places, their spirit was broken. Some even proactively surrendered to our troops, giving up the fight they’d sworn to wage until their glorious martyrdom.

It turns out that even fanatical terrorist militias have a breaking point. But when one conflict ends, another often begins. In the final weeks of my deployment, we received word that our Iraqi Army allies were massing to fight our Kurdish Peshmerga allies. The northern sector of our battlespace was poised to become a new killing field. With the common enemy defeated, the old grievances reemerged, and the central government was desperate to claim additional Kurdish territory — to squash Kurdish calls for independence and to strengthen its sectarian hand in the political battles to come. A fight seemed imminent.




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