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left_flag Tuesday, October 19
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

In the first hour of today’s show Kerby speaks with Richard Stearns, president emeritus of World Vision US. Richard served as president for twenty years, traveling more than three million miles as an advocate for the world’s poor. He shares his new book, Lead Like it Matters to God. Then Kerby shares the top stories in the news. In the second hour Kerby welcomes back, Dr. Kathy Koch. She joins him in-studio to discuss her newest book, “8 Great Smarts.”

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Richard Stearns Show Page
Richard Stearns
Author | President Emeritus - World Vision US
Richard Stearns is president emeritus of World Vision US, where he served as president for twenty years, traveling more than three million miles as an advocate for the world's poor. Before leading the Christian relief and development organization, he was a corporate CEO at both Parker Brothers and Lenox. His bestselling book The Hole in Our Gospel was named the 2010 Christian Book of the Year. He also wrote Unfinished, as well as two books with his wife, Reneé—a children's Bible storybook, God's Love For You, and a 90-day devotional, He Walks Among Us.

Through his work with World Vision and beyond, Stearns has served as a prophetic voice, calling on the American church to respond to the AIDS pandemic in the early 2000s and later raising awareness of the global refugee crisis and global poverty. As a thought leader, he has appeared regularly in media outlets such as Christianity Today, FOX News, CNN, NPR, Charisma News, and Relevant magazine. Among the honors Stearns received for his humanitarian service are five honorary doctoral degrees, the Julia Vadala Taft Outstanding Leadership Award from InterAction, and the Christian Leadership Alliance's highest honor.

Stearns holds a BA in neurobiology from Cornell University and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Reneé, have five adult children and six grandchildren, and live in Bellevue, Washington.
Lead Like It Matters to God: Values-Driven Leadership in a Success-Driven World
Richard Stearns is a leader who has been tested as a CEO in both secular companies and also as the head of one of the world’s largest Christian ministries. His leadership in calling the American church to respond to some of the greatest crises of our time, challenged Christians to embrace a bold vision for compassion, mercy, and justice. In Lead Like It Matters to God, Stearns shares the leadership principles he has learned over the course of his remarkable career. As a leader who has navigated both secular and sacred spaces, Stearns claims that the values Christian leaders embrace in their workplaces are actually more important than the results they achieve―that God is more concerned about a leader's character than a leader's success. With wisdom, wit, and biblical teaching, Stearns shares captivating stories of his life journey and unpacks seventeen crucial values that can transform leaders and their organizations. When leaders embody values such as integrity, courage, excellence, forgiveness, humility, surrender, balance, generosity, perseverance, love, and encouragement, they not only improve their witness for Christ, they also shape institutions, influence culture, improve team performance, and create healthy workplaces where people can flourish. Through this book, Stearns will inspire a new generation of Christian leaders to boldly take their values into their workplaces to tangibly demonstrate the character of Christ, the love of Christ, and the truth of Christ as they live out their faith in full view of others.
Kathy Koch Show Page
Kathy Koch, PhD
Author | Speaker | Founder & President - Celebrate Kids Inc.
Dr. Kathy Koch, PhD (“cook”) is the founder of Celebrate Kids, Inc., based in Fort Worth, Texas. She has influenced thousands of parents, teachers, and children in thirty countries through keynote messages, seminars, chapels, banquet talks, and other events. She is a regular speaker for Care Net, Summit Ministries, the Colson Center, and Teach Them Diligently. She is also a popular guest on Focus on the Family radio, she was featured in Kirk Cameron’s movie, Connect, and she has published five books with Moody Publishers.
8 Great Smarts: Discover and Nurture Your Child's Intelligence
"Smart" is a power word. Children who believe they’re smart excel more in school and approach life with greater confidence. But children who don’t can struggle to apply themselves. Do you wish your child could see how smart he or she is?

Find hope in 8 Great Smarts. You’ll be empowered and equipped with new language and creative ideas for how to:

+ Accept and affirm your child’s unique smarts
+ Motivate your child to learn and study with all 8 smarts
+ Reawaken any "paralyzed" smarts
+ Redirect misbehavior in new, constructive ways
+ Guide your child spiritually, relationally, and to a good career fit

Dr. Kathy Koch loves seeing children flourish and helping parents make it happen—and it’s never too late to start. Now is the time to help your child be all that God designed him or her to be.
8 Great Smarts for Homeschoolers: A Guide to Teaching Based on Your Child's Unique Strengths
Kids don’t just learn one way . . . and that matters a lot for homeschool parents.

One of the benefits of a home education is a curriculum designed to fit each student. But that means knowing how your child learns. Not every child receives knowledge the same way. It’s up to the teacher to figure out the best way to reach each one.

Based on the 8 Smarts identified by Kathy Koch—word, logic, picture, music, body, nature, people, and self—8 Great Smarts for Homeschooling Families tailors these ideas to the unique setting of the home classroom. Tina Hollenbeck, a leader in the home education community, applies the 8 Smarts to each division of a complete curriculum.
Newt Gingrich - on Foxnews
Big Government Socialism Isn’t Free
The Big Government Socialists who have taken over the Democratic Party love to talk about "free" programs. Don’t fall for it.
Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley
What Happened to the Military
The highest echelon of the U.S. military is becoming dysfunctional. There are too many admirals and generals for the size of the current U.S. military.




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