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left_flag Tuesday, October 3
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

For the first part of today’s show, host, Kerby Anderson welcomes Jeff Kinley. Jeff  joins Kerby to talk about his new book, God’s Grand Finale. Kerby’s second guest is Lowell Busenitz. Dr. Busenitz brings us his new book, Soul Work. In the second hour, Kerby updates us with the current news.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Jeff Kinley Show Page
Jeff Kinley
Author | Speaker | Podcast Host - Prophecy Pros Podcast
Jeff Kinley is a bestselling author and speaker whose mission is to empower people with God's vintage truth, helping them discern the times and to become influencers for Jesus Christ. The author of dozens of books and a frequent speaker at churches and organizations around the country, his weekly Vintage Truth podcasts are heard in over 80 countries worldwide.
Book Cover - God's Grand Finale
God's Grand Finale: Wrath, Grace, and Glory in Earth’s Last Days
God’s Grand Finale examines the 13 characteristics of God that Revelation uniquely and vividly illustrates through its foretelling of earth’s last days. As you read, you will
develop a clear overview of end times events
experience how God uses the apocalyptic realities of Revelation to reveal himself to you
grow in faith as these transformational truths about God deepen your reverence for him
When the dust of Revelation settles, we behold the Lamb standing and ruling in triumphant, sovereign, and indescribable glory. As God’s Grand Finale illuminates how the end times will unfold, you’ll understand how the narrative arc of Bible prophecy reveals the awe-inspiring attributes of God.
Lowell Busenitz Show Page
Lowell Busenitz, PhD
Author | Researcher | Speaker | Professor Emeritus of Entrepreneurship - Univ. of Oklahoma
Lowell Busenitz greatly enjoys helping people connect with God, particularly in the context of their work. Work can be a major catalyst for growing our relationship with God.
Upon graduating from college, Lowell worked as a campus minister for six years and then founded his own construction business. He then pursued his Ph.D. in management from Texas A&M University. Upon completion, he became a professor at the University of Houston followed by 20 years at the University of Oklahoma. Lowell is Professor Emeritus of Entrepreneurship at the University of Oklahoma where he co-founded the Center for Entrepreneurship and became a top 10 global researcher in entrepreneurship.
Lowell has long grappled with the significance of work on his faith. God has graciously offered insights for growing his spiritual walk through his work. In Soul Work, Lowell articulates the importance of work for knowing God in his economy.
As a frequent speaker at conferences, events, churches, and universities, Lowell addresses finding God already at work, entrepreneurship, the parables of Jesus, and spiritual formation.
Lowell lives in the Denver area with his wife and other family members.
Book Cover - Soul Work
Soul Work: Finding God in Your Entrepreneurial Pursuits
Work is an amazing catalyst for flourishing with God. It can be a spiritual facilitator that enables you to see, touch, feel, taste, and smell the God who is already there. Your entrepreneurial pursuits present an abundance of opportunities for you to flourish spiritually.

In Soul Work: Finding God in Your Entrepreneurial Pursuits, Lowell Busenitz helps you overcome those obstacles in your workplace that may hinder you from experiencing the fullness of Christ. Building from a biblical foundation, he shares a new paradigm for enhancing your relationship with God through your job. Instead of bringing your faith to your workplace, find God in your workplace by learning:
+ How to identify God in your work
+ How to discover Jesus’ deep interest in your work
+ How your work can deepen your faith




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