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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Join us for a compelling show! Today Kerby talks with Scott Shay. Scott, Chairman of Signature Bank of New York, has a new book, “In Good Faith.” Kerby’s second guest is fellow radio host Jerry Newcombe. They’ll talk about Jerry’s newest book, “American Amnesia.”

Kerby will have the latest news from Pittsburg and Florida through a Biblical lens.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Scott Shay
Commentator | Author | Co-Founder & Chairman - Signature Bank of New York
Scott A. Shay has had a successful business career spanning Wall Street, private equity, venture capital, and banking. He co-founded Signature Bank of New York and has served as its Chairman since its formation. He has been a provocative commentator on many financial issues, including among others, how the banking system should best function to help society, the implications of a cashless world, and tax reform. Scott called for the re-imposition of Glass-Steagall and breaking up the big banks at a TEDx talk at the NY Stock Exchange in 2012. Throughout his life, he has been a student of religion and how religion ought to apply to the world outside of the synagogue, church, or mosque. Having founded a Hebrew school, he has authored articles relating to the Jewish community and the bestselling Getting Our Groove Back: How to Energize American Jewry
In Good Faith: Questioning Religion and Atheism
Prominent atheists claim the Bible is a racist text. Yet Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. read it daily. Then again, so did many ardent segregationists. Some atheists claim religion serves to oppress the masses. Yet the classic text of the French Revolution, What is the Third Estate?, was written by a priest. On the other hand, the revolutionaries ended up banning religion. What do we make of religion’s confusing role in history?

And what of religion’s relationship to science? Some scientists claim that we have no free will. Others argue that advances in neurobiology and physics disprove determinism. As for whispering to the universe, an absurd habit say the skeptics. Yet prayer is a transformative practice for millions.

This book explores the most common atheist critiques of the Bible and religion, incorporating Jewish, Christian, and Muslim voices. The result is a fresh, modern re-evaluation of religion and of atheism.
Jerry Newcombe Show Page
Jerry Newcombe
Best Selling Author, Senior Producer, On-Air Host and Columnist - D. James Kennedy Ministries
Jerry is the author/co-author of 29 books, including 17 with Dr. D. James Kennedy (e.g., What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?). The book with Dr. Peter Lillback (president of Westminster Theological Seminary) on the Christianity of our first president became a national bestseller, George Washington’s Sacred Fire.

Jerry does a radio program, which is generally 15 minutes by phone with a Christian leader on a particular issue. Guests have included Dinesh D’Souza, Michelle Malkin, Ben Kinchlow, Joni, Ted Baehr, Del Tackett, Gary Bauer, David Limbaugh, Jim DeMint, etc. ( or

Jerry was married in Norway, in the home church of his wife, Kirsti, whom he met in the registration line at Wheaton Grad School 2 years earlier. Their wedding vows were bilingual: “Ja, I do.” 38 years later, they are blessed with two children, two grandchildren with another on the way.
American Amnesia: Is America Paying the Price for Forgetting God, the Source of Our Liberty?
In America, we have a problem of collective amnesia. God has blessed the United States of America perhaps more than any other nation before us. Yet, while basking in the blessing, we have forgotten that the hand of God made us a nation. Like someone long asleep, like a collective Rip Van Winkle, we must wake up from our futile dreams. Our future depends on America rising from its fatal forgetfulness, and remembering the Godly principles expressed in so many of our founding documents and general literature, which are the bedrock of this great nation. Can remembering God's role in American history bring us to a spiritual awakening—a great revival, leading to a national reformation that can spare us from our nation’s apparent death spiral?
American Amnesia is a collection of essays written in the last several years by author, radio and television host, and TV producer Jerry Newcombe, D.Min., focusing on God and government, on the American experiment, current society, and church and state matters.
Standing against forces intending to undermine God's plan for humanity in society, American Amnesia is the antidote for a nation's forgetfulness.
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