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left_flag Tuesday, October 9
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Point of View‘s guest host today is Penna Dexter. Her first guest is Trayce Bradford from Texas Eagle Forum. Next up Penna welcomes Matt Shaheen, Texas State Representative for District 66, to talk about political fall-out from recent weeks and how that will affect the mid-term elections. Penna’s next guest is David Roseberry. David has a new book, “Giving Up: How Giving to God Renews Hearts, Changes Minds, and Empowers Ministry.” And her final guest is John Graves, President of Vision America.

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Penna Dexter
Penna Dexter

Point of View Co-Host, Penna Dexter frequently sits in as guest host for Kerby Anderson. Her weekly commentaries air on the Bott Radio Network. Penna’s heart is in educating and encouraging Christians to influence the culture and politics. She worked as a consultant overseeing the launch and production of the Family Research Council’s nationally syndicated radio program, Washington Watch Weekly. For eight yearsRead More

Trayce Bradford Show Page
Trayce Bradford
President - Texas Eagle Forum
Trayce is a mother of seven beautiful children, wife of twenty-nine years and a faithful citizen of these United States of America. Trayce is President of Texas Eagle Forum and served as president for Dallas Eagle Forum for 4 years. Additionally, she founded Tarrant County Eagle Forum in 2012. Trayce has a passion for biblical truth, self government, the preservation of life, and the freedoms mandated by the Constitution. Trayce has been recognized and presented an award by Phyllis Schlafly as the Texas Eagle, as wells receiving the Patriots Award from Center For Security Policy. During her time as president with Dallas and Tarrant County Eagle Forum, they hosted an United States Senatorial Forum that included all six candidates and also educated members on critical subjects such as Pro-Life issues, religious liberties human-trafficking and security for our Texas Grid to name a few. Preparing for the 2013, 2015 and 2017 Texas legislative sessions, Trayce actively campaigned and developed relationships with a number of members in the Texas Senate and House. Prior to her active involvement in government and politics, Trayce led several prayer teams, most notably Dallas Prayer Coordinator for Promise Keepers for 10 years. She continues to lead and participate in intercessory prayer teams for our country, political leaders and pastors. As a graduate of Texas A&M, Trayce earned a Marketing Degree leveraging those skills to influence her children and friends to get involved and make a difference in this world. Currently, she home schools her two youngest children, ages 10 and 16, and graduated her five oldest children, ages 20 to 28.
Rep. Matt Shaheen, Show Page
Matt Shaheen
State Representative, District 66 - Texas House of Representatives
State Representative Matt Shaheen serves the citizens of District 66, which encompasses West Plano and far North Dallas. Previously, Mr. Shaheen served five years on the Collin County Commissioners Court. Representative Shaheen serves on the Government Transparency & Operation, and the International Trade & Intergovernmental Affairs Committees.Representative Shaheen is consistently ranked among the top most conservative, pro-business legislators in Texas. Matt has been married for 24 years and has three children. He attends Prestonwood Baptist Church and serves as a Deacon, an usher and on the church's pregnancy center board.
David Roseberry Show Page
David Roseberry
Dean of the Diocese of Churches | Director - The Sake of Others | LeaderWorks
David Roseberry is the founding pastor of Christ Church Plano (Texas), a congregation in the Anglican Church in North America. After serving that church for thirty-one years, Roseberry now serves as Dean of the Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others (C4SO), embracing churches in California, Kansas, Texas, and the southeastern United States. He also serves as Canon for Mission in the Anglican Church in North America and as executive director for LeaderWorks, a leadership development platform for churches and other ministries. He and his wife, Fran, live in Plano, Texas.
Giving Up: How Giving to God Renews Hearts, Changes Minds, and Empowers Ministry"
In an age when many Christian denominations are shrinking and the demographics of the churchgoing public seem to get more dire by the day, pastor and author David Roseberry reveals the two-thousand-year-old secret weapon that conquered the first-century world: generosity. Citing the principal "meme" of the earliest Christians--"It is more blessed to give than to receive"--Roseberry demonstrates the power of unselfish giving to propel the message of Christ throughout a culture obsessed with "selfie theology."

Giving Up: How Giving to God Renews Hearts, Changes Minds, and Empowers Ministry offers a fresh, thoroughly biblical, deeply theological alternative to the latest theories of discipleship and church growth. As Roseberry explains, "The Body of Christ is at its best and most powerful when it is at its most giving." If we want to win the world, we have to learn how to give up.
John Graves Show Page
John Graves
President - Vision America
John Graves became the president of Vision America in January 2017. Prior to assuming leadership of Vision America, John served as a board member and in various roles alongside its founder, Dr. Rick Scarborough, mobilizing and encouraging pastors and Christians across the country to be voices of truth to our nation. For over 30 years, John has served pastors in local churches and parachurch organizations after becoming a Christ-follower in 1986 during his sophomore year in college.
John is bi-vocational, having been ordained a pastor by Pastor Jack Hayford, and he serves local church pastors. He also owns a small business with his close friend and partner. His business background led him to applying business principles, empirical evidence, and measured return on investment to all efforts to reach pastors and people of faith. He created heat maps of both churches and social conservatives in each state that led to each dollar being strategically stewarded for maximum impact.

Once “anti-political,” John felt compelled to become involved in the aftermath of the attack on our nation on September 11, 2001. He soon ran for U.S. Congress in Texas, and the lessons learned from that process created many of the cutting-edge ideas used by Vision America to reach people of faith.

John received his B.B.A. in accounting at the University of Texas at Tyler in 1990 and won statewide awards for advocacy. He received his law degree at Texas Tech University School of Law in 1993 and was selected to the National Order of Barristers. John currently serves on the board of Jack Hayford Ministries and King’s Ransom Foundation. He and his wife, Nicole, have five children, and actively serve in their local church.
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