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left_flag Tuesday, September 8
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Our host Kerby Anderson has a jam-packed show today. First he spends some time with Randy Peterson. Randy is with Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Right on Crime. They’ll talk about improving the Police, and not defunding them. The next hour Kerby’s guest is Professor George Barna. His final guest is Robin Steele. Robin is the founder and lead pastor of Promise Land Church in San Marcos. He shares his new book: “How To Be Made Whole.” Then Kerby shares pertinent information from around the world.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Randy Petersen Show Page
Randy Peterson
Senior Researcher - Texas Public Policy Foundation
Randy Petersen is a senior researcher at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Petersen spent twenty-one years in law enforcement in Bloomingdale, Illinois, working in patrol, investigations, administration, and management. After retiring from the Bloomingdale Police Department, Randy moved to Texas where he was the Director of the Tarrant County College District Criminal Justice Training Center, one of the busiest police academies in the state. The academy was responsible for basic police training for over forty different police agencies in the DFW Metroplex as well as in-service training for current law enforcement officers from all over the country.

Randy is passionate about law enforcement and criminal justice policy issues. His research specialties include the militarization of law enforcement, police training, and police assisted diversion programs. Randy holds a B.S. in Legal Studies and a M.S. in Justice Administration and Crime Management from Bellevue University.
Police cartoon
Don’t Defund the Police. Improve Policing.
Recent events have highlighted calls for policing reform nationwide, from both conservatives and liberals. At first glance, this sounds like a rare moment of bipartisan agreement. Unfortunately it is not. Both sides approach the concept of policing ...
George Barna
Professor & President of CRC - Arizona Christian University
George Barna is a professor at Arizona Christian University and the President of the Cultural Research Center at ACU. He also founded the Barna Group, a research company that for years set the standard for understanding trends in American culture. Dr. Barna has written more than 50 books, including numerous award-winners and New York Times bestsellers. He is also a Fellow at the Townsend Institute, has taught at the undergraduate and graduate level, and has pastored two churches. Dr. Barna is often called “the most quoted person in the Christian Church today.”
Robin Steele
Author | Founder and Lead Pastor - PromiseLand Church
Robin Steele is the founder and lead pastor of PromiseLand Church in San Marcos, TX. Over the last 16 years, they have gone from 30 people to a membership well over 2000. PromiseLand is a multi-ethnic, multi-generational congregation that impacts people from all walks of life. He loves to teach, disciple, invest in pastors, hunt, fish, and ride his mountain bike (real fast) over crazy terrain!
In 2001, Robin and his wife, Erica, received the news that their newborn baby had a severe brain abnormality and would only live 6-12 months. Their daughter, Kennady, just turned 18 years old and continues to defeat the odds. She lives with many disabilities and requires 24-hour care. Robin speaks all over the world about the incredible life lessons they have learned along the way. They have two sons as well: Jude, and Avery.
How to Be Made Whole: An Answer to the Whole Question
Most people go their entire life longing to be whole, yet failing to find it. We want our life to mean something. We want to matter. The problem is that life is filled with episode after episode where we face trouble and complications. We feel like it is impossible to find wholeness without living a flawless life.

How to Be Made Whole follows the true story of Kennady Steele, born with a several brain disorder. She was only given 12-18 months to live along with a haunting disclaimer by her doctor to both parents that their daughter "would not have an meaningful life" How to Be Made Whole walks the reader through a journey from brokenness to wholeness and how unanswered prayers for miracles often result in far greater blessings.
Cultural Research Center
Worldviews and the 2020 Election
“The 2020 election is not about personalities, parties, or even politics. It is an election to determine the dominant worldview in America.” That is one of the key conclusions drawn by researcher and bestselling author ...
peaceful protesters fists raised
Why I Didn’t Raise My Fist
To see this article and subscribe to others like it, click read more. I support loud, angry protests. But it’s never okay to coerce people’s participation. Source: Opinion | Lauren Victor: Why I refused demands ...
Kimberly Guilfoyle at 2020 RNC
Fake Headlines
During the Democratic National Convention, some rightwing websites drew attention to the large viewership drop from 2016. This was not entirely surprising, though, since there is not tremendous enthusiasm for candidate Biden (as opposed to ...



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