Our host Kerby Anderson has a jam-packed show today. First he spends some time with Randy Peterson. Randy is with Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Right on Crime. They’ll talk about improving the Police, and not defunding them. The next hour Kerby’s guest is Professor George Barna. His final guest is Robin Steele. Robin is the founder and lead pastor of Promise Land Church in San Marcos. He shares his new book: “How To Be Made Whole.” Then Kerby shares pertinent information from around the world.
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Randy is passionate about law enforcement and criminal justice policy issues. His research specialties include the militarization of law enforcement, police training, and police assisted diversion programs. Randy holds a B.S. in Legal Studies and a M.S. in Justice Administration and Crime Management from Bellevue University.

In 2001, Robin and his wife, Erica, received the news that their newborn baby had a severe brain abnormality and would only live 6-12 months. Their daughter, Kennady, just turned 18 years old and continues to defeat the odds. She lives with many disabilities and requires 24-hour care. Robin speaks all over the world about the incredible life lessons they have learned along the way. They have two sons as well: Jude, and Avery.
How to Be Made Whole follows the true story of Kennady Steele, born with a several brain disorder. She was only given 12-18 months to live along with a haunting disclaimer by her doctor to both parents that their daughter "would not have an meaningful life" How to Be Made Whole walks the reader through a journey from brokenness to wholeness and how unanswered prayers for miracles often result in far greater blessings.