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left_flag Wednesday, April 13
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

In the first hour today, Kerby welcomes back Penny Young Nance, president and CEO of the nation’s largest women’s organization Concerned Women for America and author of the new book Feisty and Feminine: A Rallying Cry for Conservative Women. Penny discusses her book.

In the second hour Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., retired Presbyterian pastor, research professor in New Testament (Whitefield Theological Seminary), theological writer and speaker joins us to chat about his book, As It Is Written: The Genesis Account Literal or Literary?

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Penny Young Nance
President and CEO - Concerned Women for America
Penny Young Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America (CWA), is a recognized national authority on cultural, children’s, and women’s issues. As the CEO and President of the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization, Nance oversees more than 500,000 participating CWA members across the country, over 450 Prayer/Action Chapters and Home teams, 23 Young Women for America (YWA) Chapters, and 600 trained leaders, and is also the president of Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) and Concerned Women for America Political Action Committee (CWPAC) and serves as the principal spokesperson for all three entities.
Feisty and Feminine: A Rallying Cry for Conservative Women
Tired of inauthentic prattle, CEO and president of Concerned Women for America Penny Young Nance is ready to change the way women today engage the culture. In her debut title, Feisty & Feminine, she takes an honest and transparent look at what it means to be a conservative Christian woman with thoughtful commentary on the real issues confronting American women.

“Conservative women have never fit neatly into stereotypes, especially conservative Christian women,” says Penny Young Nance. “We’re not the humorless, dim-witted ‘church ladies’ Saturday Night Live has made us out to be. Today’s conservative women are intelligent, well-educated, compassionate, accomplished, funny, and fearless—and it’s time for us to stand up and be heard. In fact, we have an opportunity like never before to offer words of redemption to a world gone mad.”
Kenneth Gentry
NT Research Professor - Whitefield Theological Seminary
Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr. is retired Presbyterian pastor, Research Professor in New Testament (Whitefield Theological Seminary), theological writer, and conference speaker.

Some of the key issues for which he has educational materials include: Calvinism, reformed theology, Presbyterianism, eschatology in general, postmillennialism, preterism, the Book of Revelation, theonomy, six-day creation, presuppositionalism, predestination, lordship salvation, infant baptism, the Christian worldview, Christian education, the Christian and alcohol, and more.

He has produced in-depth materials critiquing and rebutting dispensationalism, Hyper-preterism, the framework hypothesis, paedocommunion, exclusive psalmody, annihilationism, and other popular views.

Because of his interest in promoting the Christian worldview, he also offers a Christian writing correspondence course: "Righteous Writing."

He graduated from Tennessee Temple University (B.A., cum laude), Reformed Theological Seminary (M. Div.), Whitefield Theological Seminary (Th. M.; Th. D., summa cum laude).

Gentry lectures widely, having been a featured speaker in over 100 conferences throughout America, in the Caribbean, and Australia.
As It Is Written: The Genesis Account Literal or Literary?
The framework hypothesis or literary framework view has grown in acceptance as more readers of Scripture place “science” as the authority over the interpretation of God’s Word. By re-interpreting Genesis, they regard the timeline of creation as merely figurative or poetic rather than historical and accurate. Kenneth Gentry carefully defines the framework hypothesis, while tracing its historical origins and purpose.

This book presents in a simple but clear presentation the basic argument for a six-day literal interpretation of Genesis 1. It also explains and rebuts the framework hypothesis, which is a leading view in evangelical academic circles. This book is aimed at intelligent laymen, though with the academic reader in mind, with definitions of technical terms where they are necessary and Greek and Hebrew words transliterated.
Lying and Colorado’s Rules
If you took all the lies out of political rhetoric, how much would be left? Apparently even less than usual this year. The latest, and perhaps biggest, lie — thus far — is that Donald ...




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