On Point of View today our guests are Heather Mercer and Paul Copan. Heather Mercer is the founder and president of Global Hope. Heather talks about her time in Kabul, she shares her testimony and speaks about ISIS and Global Hope whose mission it is to build bridges for meaningful relationships with the Muslim community. Later in the show, author Paul Copan tells us more about his book True for You but Not For Me. His books seek to make available accessible answers to the toughest questions asked of Christians.

Hagar House is the only aftercare program in Iraq for abused women. They are focused on a multi-phase restoration process that includes: counseling, spiritual development, life skills, education and job training, employment and independence. Freedom Center is a community center that includes coffee house and internet cafes, English language school, Leadership Institute and Library, Business and Copy Center, Women’s Training Class, Park and Playground, and Recreational and Sports Facility. The Freedom Center will serve about 500 people a day who will experience the love of Jesus Christ.

In addition to contributing essays to several books, he has written many articles in professional journals. He is the President of the Evangelical Philosophical Society. He and his wife Jacqueline live with their five children in the West Palm Beach area.