Welcome to Point of View’s Millennial Round Table! Today’s panel is hosted by Human Coalition’s Chelsey Youman! She welcomes guest Peyton Luke. During the second hour, Ben Courson will join them. What are the issues that Millennials are currently concerned about? Listen in to hear a Godly point of view.
Please call in or post questions on Facebook! Our phone number is 800-351-1212 and the Facebook link is: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

During her time at ORU, she was elected Student Body President, therefore serving as the communication bridge and representative between multiple internal and external groups. Additionally, Peyton’s passion for discovering and representing diverse perspectives throughout society, politics, and leadership led her to intern in New York City at the Fox News Channel, which coincided with the 2016 United States Presidential campaign coverage.
Peyton later went on to become the Administrative Liaison within the ORU President’s Office, where she functioned in various capacities with presidential events, communication, and representation, while also assisting in coordinating international ministry and media.
Being a voice for the voiceless and an advocate for those whom often feel overlooked in society is at the core of Peyton’s personal and professional mission in journalism and leadership. Even while reaching a wide and diverse audience, her intention is to always focus first on discipling, encouraging, and impacting each individual heart in a relatable and relevant way with the convergence of professional excellence and Spirit-empowered culture.

Stemming from his own bout with suicide and depression, Ben created Hope generation, aiming to help those struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts to those who’ve lost hope and meaning amid their success. The ministry is shouting about the God of Hope from the mountaintops to help people rise out of despair.
Ben’s high energy, humor, and deep Biblical understanding has impacted people from all walks of life. He sincerely shares his own struggles, heartbreak, being diagnosed with complex PTSD, and the devastating losses of his brother and sister. As a social media influencer, millions of YouTube subscribers have tuned in to watch and listen to Hope Generation. Ben is infiltrating old and new media alike and spreading God’s message of hope like fire.
Hope Generation is a play on words that suggests both a personal and collective appeal: Generating hope in God and building a generation of hope. That is the mission of Hope Generation.