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left_flag Wednesday, April 3
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
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Our host Kerby Anderson has a great show today. First up, his guest is Kristen Day. She’s executive director of Democrats for Life, a pro-life group. In the second hour, Kerby welcomes Dr. Alan Weissenbacher. Alex brings us his book, The Brain Change Program. And Senior Associate Pastor Jonathan Teague joins Kerby for one segment to update us on the Chosen Conference that is coming up SOON! To round out the show, Kerby shares an update from the week’s news and a Godly point of view on the issues that affect our lives.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show
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Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Kristen Day Show Page
Kristen Day
Executive Director - Democrats For Life of America
Kristen Day is the Executive Director of Democrats For Life, an organization that advocates for a pro-life voice within the Democratic Party. Democrats For Life supports pro-life Democratic candidates and legislation that protects the dignity of human life at all states. Day spent over a decade on Capitol Hill serving three Members, including an appointment as Chief of Staff for Pro-Life Democratic Congressman Jim Barcia (BAR-SHA). Day is an AUL Paige Comstock Cunningham Senior Fellow and author of "Democrats For Life: Pro-Life Politics and the Silenced Majority," which provides a comprehensive history of the pro-life Democrat movement. She is fighting for a day where no woman will see abortion as her best or only choice.
Alan Weissenbacher Show Page
Alan Weissenbacher, DTh
Managing Editor | Author | Speaker | Educator | Managing Editor - Theology and Science
After receiving an education in biology and at seminary, Dr. Alan Weissenbacher worked for the Denver Rescue Mission as a chaplain to the homeless. He helped move homeless and addicted people out of an urban setting to a one-hundred-acre farm, giving them opportunities to help run the farm, care for animals, and receive therapy tailored to their individual needs: counseling, addiction therapy, job training, and more. Inspired by the struggles of his clients and filled with the desire to improve Christian rehabilitation, Alan resigned from his position at the Denver Rescue Mission and enrolled in a doctorate program. He studied neuroscience and spiritual formation at the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences in Berkeley and engaged with the question of how to improve addiction recovery, church practices, and spiritual formation using the scientific knowledge of the brain. Alan serves as the managing editor for the academic journal Theology and Science and has published works with Johns Hopkins University Press, Vernon Press, and ATF Press on the subjects of science, religion, and ethics. He authored the chapter on neuroscience and the human person in the second edition of the college textbook Science and Religion: A Historical Introduction in addition to articles in several journals, including Theology and Science, Dialog, Wesleyan Theological Journal, and Zygon. Originally from Fort Collins, Colorado, Alan currently resides in Castro Valley, California, where he’s a full-time dad to two young boys and enjoys speaking at churches and organizations.
Book Cover - Brain Change Program
The Brain Change Program: 6 Steps to Renew Your Mind and Transform Your Life – A Practical Guide to Emotional and Spiritual Healing
In The Brain Change Program, Dr. Alan Weissenbacher merges neuroscience with biblical wisdom and leads you through his six-step program to achieve lasting, meaningful change. He shares actionable, lifelong strategies and tools to help you
+ unlock the mysteries of your brain,
+ gain control over destructive thoughts and behaviors,
+ redesign your prayer life,
+ guide yourself into right thinking, and
+ cultivate Christlike character.
Set foot on a radical journey of self-discovery, where joy, fulfillment, and spiritual transformation await.
Jonathan Teague Show Page
Jonathan Teague, DEdMin
Senior Associate Pastor - Prestonwood Baptist Church
Jonathan Teague serves as the Senior Associate Pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church. His role includes serving on Prestonwood’s preaching team and providing leadership to The Prestonwood Network. Launched as a vision of Prestonwood’s Senior Pastor Dr. Jack Graham, The Prestonwood Network is a relationship-based kingdom partnership of pastors across North America. Jonathan also leads The Prestonwood Internship Program which exists to provide leadership, hands-on training, experience, and discipleship to the next generation of leaders called to local church ministry.

Jonathan and his wife Michelle have been married for 19 years and have five children: Katelyn, Elizabeth, Anna, Joseph, and Olivia. Prior to coming to Prestonwood in 2011, Jonathan served in various student ministry assignments throughout DFW. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Hardin-Simmons University, a master’s degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Educational Ministries degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Chosen Conference header
Prestonwood Chosen Conference
An Urgent Summit Addressing Foster Care and Adoption Needs

The Lord has CHOSEN you out of all the people on the face of the earth to be his treasured possession. —Deuteronomy 7:6

8:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Prestonwood Baptist Church
6801 W. Park Blvd.
Plano, TX 75093
Biden squints and points
One More Try at Reducing the Debt
"Neither a borrower nor a lender be."- Polonius to his son Laertes in "Hamlet" It may be too late given the number of Americans who have willingly allowed themselves to become dependent on government more ...
RFK on Weaponized Censorship
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. told CNN on Monday that President Biden is a greater "threat to democracy" than Donald Trump."I can make the argument that President Biden is much worse," Kennedy said. ...
Kristen Day twitter handle
Kristen Day @prolifedems - Abortion Pill
My pro-abortion friends were quite vocal because I advocate on behalf of women suffering from the abortion pill. Question:What would you tell a woman who is experiencing trauma from delivering her baby & then flushing him down the toilet? Ignore it b/c you don't think it is true?
Kristen Day twitter handle
Kristen Day @prolifedems - Back-Ally Abortions
I thought we opposed back-alley abortions? The abortion pill is not progress. It takes us backward. It is not 100 percent safe - particularly for the baby. It leaves women alone and vulnerable to flush their babies down the toilet.

Reproductive Freedom for All
@reproforall · Mar 19, 2023
Psst…medication abortion is completely safe AND effective…pass it on!



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