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left_flag Wednesday, August 18
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Today’s exciting show is hosted by our own Kerby Anderson. He begins by updating us all on the stories that touch our lives. And, in the second hour Kerby welcomes Dr. Danny Yamashiro and Rev. Dave Thom. They’ll talk about  ministering to secular audiences.

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Danny Yamashiro Show Page
Danny Yamashiro, PhD
Radio Host | Founder and President - Jesus is Calling You Ministries
“Your someday is today.”
These words energize Danny Yamashiro and describe why this Ivy League graduate, MIT chaplain, brain trauma survivor, talk show host, author, and speaker has dedicated his life to serving some of humanity’s greatest needs.
Danny is also motivated by the spiritual, social, and intellectual influences on world leaders and is focused on helping facilitate healthy engagement in the halls of learning through events like the Cambridge Roundtable on Science & Religion, a program funded by the John Templeton Foundation that is coordinated by Rev. Dave Thom, the Faculty Chaplain at MIT.
Growing up in Hawaii, Danny heard his father tell of bombs exploding and seeing smoke rise over Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Danny’s neighborhood sat between two historic military outposts: Tripler Army Medical Center and Fort Shafter. He studied theology for his bachelor’s degree, earned two master’s degrees – one from a seminary, the other concentrating in government from Harvard, and a doctorate that included studies at Oxford and research at ten presidential library archives.
An ordained minister, Danny is the founder and president of a faith based non-profit organization. He has experienced life in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East, North America, the Pacific Islands, and South America. He lives with his wife Jamie in Brookline, Massachusetts. They have three adult children.
Danny Yamashiro Ministries
Danny Yamashiro Ministries
You’ll links to our various ministries and find other resources including my biography, books, latest newsletters and opportunities to stay connected.
God bless you!
Dave Thom Show Page
Dave Thom
Faculty Chaplain at MIT - Project Director for a John Templeton Foundation
Among the chaplains of MIT, many of whom are affiliated with faculty, professors are Dave Thom’s main focus. A co-founder of the first Faculty Roundtable in 2002 among The Five Colleges in the Amherst MA area, and co-chair of the Cambridge Roundtable, Dave partners with Rev. Dr. Danny Yamashiro and Affiliated Chaplains Bill Hager and Rev. Dr. Nathan Barczi. Dave is also the Project Director for a John Templeton Foundation funded project of 12 teams of colleagues from Boston to Chicago to Duke and the eight Ivies who are professionals at convening Faculty Roundtables to explore science, faith, and philosophy.
Map - Afghanistan highlighted
10 Reflections on the Afghan Disaster
Almost 20 years of American involvement in Afghanistan have ended in unmitigated disaster. In fact, it would be difficult to imagine a worse scenario.
Biden Afghanistan press-conference - east room
Afghanistan: Now What?
Tragedy is an inadequate word to describe what's happening in Afghanistan. President Joe Biden's administration's feckless, vacillating incompetence is a catastrophe.
China Taunt: Afghanistan and Taiwan
By: The Editorial Board - - August 17, 2021 It’s too early to know the wider strategic fallout from America’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal. But there’s strong reason to doubt convenient claims that the retreat ...



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