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left_flag Wednesday, August 19
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Kerby hosts our show and begins with updates from today’s top news stories. Then his guests are Bob Pritchett, Eric Mock, and Bob Woodson. Bob Pritchett is the President and CEO of Faithlife. He and Kerby will discuss Bible Engagement During COVID-19. Eric Mock then brings us an update from Slavic Gospel Association. Finally, Bob Woodson shares the industry of racial grievances.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

OTP Bob Pritchett
Bob Pritchett
President & CEO - Faithlife
Bob Pritchett is the President and CEO of Faithlife. He started programming computers at age eight. Pritchett developed both a fascination for Scripture and a keen awareness of the obstacles Bible students face in using difficult-to-access reference materials.
In 1986, at age 15, he developed his first Bible software program. Later Bob and a friend came up with the idea for better, more modern Bible software, and they created the first version of Logos Bible Software in 1991. When orders increased, Pritchett decided to go all in with Logos in 1992. Since then, Logos’ success has led to expanded technologies under the Faithlife brand.
Pritchett remains dedicated to servicing customers with the most advanced technology needed for them to do their work well.
Today, Bob is married and has two children and one daughter-in-law.
Digital Discipleship
Your Guide to Digital Discipleship
Can technology really help you fulfill the Great Commission? Yes—and we’ll show you how in this biblically-rooted, six-step discipleship strategy that’s helping churches thrive.
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Faithlife’s mission since its founding in 1992 has been to help Christians deepen their faith and to “use technology to equip the Church to grow in the light of the Bible.”
Eric-Mock Show Page
Eric Mock
Pastor | Vice President of Ministry Operations - Slavic Gospel Association
Eric Mock is Vice President of Ministry Operations for Slavic Gospel Association (SGA). He spends one-third of every year traveling to Russia and several nations across the former Soviet Union, as well as Israel, to support SGA’s extensive network of 6,350 evangelical church partners and hundreds of missionaries. Literally circling the globe at least three times each year, his travels take him to remote villages in the Arctic Circle and hot spots including the border of Afghanistan and war-torn cities in eastern Ukraine.
Mock joined SGA as a full-time missionary in 2002 – after an amazing engineering career centered on the U.S space program. Today, with life-changing faith and the addition of a Master’s degree in International Development and a Master of Divinity degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Mock’s passion is to equip evangelical churches and pastors in Russia and the former Soviet Union to share the Gospel in word and action.
He’s also pastor of River’s Edge Bible Church in Pecatonica, Illinois, where he lives with his wife, Kristi. He has three married children and six grandchildren.
SGA Church
SGA History
Slavic Gospel Association traces its founders vision and history to the 1920s and 30s and the city of Chicago, where we were founded by Rev. Peter Deyneka, a refugee from Belarus (now an independent nation, but then a part of the Soviet Union). In the 1920s Peter traveled throughout the Soviet Union to share the gospel and encourage Bible-believing churches.
Robert L. Woodson Show Page
Robert L. Woodson, Sr.
Speaker | Leader | Advisor | Author - Founder & President of The Woodson Center
Robert L. Woodson, Sr. is Founder and President of the Woodson Center and an influential leader on issues of poverty alleviation and empowering disadvantaged communities to become agents of their own uplift. He is a frequent advisor to local, state and federal government officials as well as business and philanthropic organizations.
His social activism dates back to the 1960s, when as a young civil rights activist he developed and coordinated national and local community revitalization programs. During the 1970’s he directed the National Urban League’s Administration of Justice division. Later he served as a Resident Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.
Woodson is frequently featured as a social commentator in print and on-air media. He is a contributing editor to The Hill and The Wall Street Journal, and has published in several influential newspapers and journals, and other national and local media outlets. He is the recipient of many awards and honors. And Woodson is the author of several books.
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Postal Service Not Stealing the Election
The latest five-alarm fire in Washington is over a supposed plot to disfranchise voters centered on the United States Postal Service. Source: Post Office Election Conspiracy Theory Is Baseless | National Review
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5 Things To Know About The Democratic Platform
Democrats will finalize their 2020 convention platform this week as they get set to officially nominate Joe Biden to take on President Trump in the general election. The platform is described by many Democrats as the ...
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The Left Even Ruins Science
More than two years ago, I wrote a column titled "Whatever the Left Touches It Ruins." I listed eight examples: -- The universities. -- The arts: music, art and architecture. -- Sports. -- Mainstream Judaism, Protestantism and Catholicism. -- ...




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