Today Point of View’s host is our own Kerby Anderson! During the first hour Kerby welcomes Lori Kuykendall. They’ll be discussing the Coalition for a New Sexual Revolution. Kerby’s next guest is contemporary evangelist, speaker, author, and radio host, Ron Hutchcraft. Ron will share his new book, “Hope When Your Heart is Breaking.” Finally Kerby will review 2020 and give us an update on today’s top stories.
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He has hosted two international youth radio broadcasts and has authored many books. His next book, Hope When Your Heart is Breaking: Finding God’s Presence in Your Pain (Harvest House), releases January 2021.
For over 35 years, Ron has been a part of people’s daily lives through his popular radio program. “A Word With You” is heard on over 1,300 outlets across the country and broadcast internationally in the five most-spoken languages in the world.
Ron is, with his late wife Karen, the co-founder of "On Eagles' Wings," an outreach and leadership development program for Native American and First Nations young people. He has traveled with and helped shepherd Native-led "On Eagles' Wings" teams that have brought hope to over 100 Native communities. He is also the co-founder of the Warrior Leadership Summit conference, which annually brings together young people from almost 100 indigenous nations. In addition, the "On Eagles' Wings" Warrior Scholarship Fund has helped many Native young people go to college to train for spiritual leadership among their people.
Hope When Your Heart Is Breaking is an honest look at both roads, and how your greatest loss can lead to your greatest gain. Author Ron Hutchcraft writes from the deep well of his own devastating loss and grief, and points you to the practical steps that lead to peace and wholeness.
This book is a pathway to hope—a roadmap through the pain of grief and loss. Discover new strength through a new closeness to others and to God. And make the decisions that lead to comfort, growth, and life.