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left_flag Wednesday, February 17
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

For today’s show, Kerby will share his teaching on Islam, Terrorism, and Persecuted Christians. Then Kerby welcomes Sebastian Traeger, who will share his book, The Gospel at Work. And Kerby’s last guest is Jay Cost, who will talk about his book, The Price of Greatness.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Sebastian Traeger Show Page
Sebastian Traeger
Executive Vice President International Mission Board - Southern Baptist Convention
Sebastian Traeger is an author and a businessman. He has co-authored a number of books including The Gospel at Work, Lay Elders, Pastoring Christians for the Workplace. Sebastian has spent years starting and building various businesses. He has co-founded, a real estate technology company;, a crowd-funding site for causes;, a software and services company for Christian organizations; and Silas Partners, a web-consulting firm. He helped start Village Phone, as telecommunications company in El Salvador and worked as a management consultant at Dean and Company. He also served as executive vice president of the International Mission Board for the Southern Baptist Convention. Sebastian serves as an elder at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. and is on the Board of Guidestone Financial Resources of the SBC. Sebastian and his wife, Nikki, have three children and live in Washington, D.C.
The Gospel at Work: How the Gospel Gives New Purpose and Meaning to Our Jobs
Many Christians fall victim to one of two main problems when it comes to work: either they are idle in their work, or they have made an idol of it. Both of these mindsets are deadly misunderstandings of how God intends for us to think about our employment.

In The Gospel at Work, Sebastian Traeger and Greg Gilbert unpack the powerful ways in which the gospel can transform how we do what we do, releasing us from the cultural pressures of both an all-consuming devotion and a punch-in, punch-out mentality - in order to find the freedom of a work ethic rooted in serving Christ.

Solidly grounded in the gospel, The Gospel at Work confronts both our idleness at work and our idolatry of work with a challenge of its own - to remember that whom we work for is infinitely more important than what we do.
Jay Cost Show Page
Jay Cost
Visiting Scholar | Columnist | Writer | Editor | Editor - National Review Online | American Enterprise Institute | Weekly Standard
Jay Cost is a senior writer at the Weekly Standard and has written for the Wall Street Journal, National Review, and Commentary. He holds a PhD in political philosophy from the University of Chicago. He lives in Harmony, Pennsylvania.

He is the author of three books, most recently The Price of Greatness: Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and the Creation of American Oligarchy.
The Price of Greatness
In the history of American politics there are few stories as enigmatic as that of Alexander Hamilton and James Madison's bitterly personal falling out. Together they helped bring the Constitution into being, yet soon after the new republic was born they broke over the meaning of its founding document. Hamilton emphasized economic growth, Madison the importance of republican principles.

Jay Cost is the first to argue that both men were right--and that their quarrel reveals a fundamental paradox at the heart of the American experiment. He shows that each man in his own way came to accept corruption as a necessary cost of growth. The Price of Greatness reveals the trade-off that made the United States the richest nation in human history, and that continues to fracture our politics to this day.
Islam, Terrorism, and Persecuted Christians
Teaching by Kerby Anderson:
Islam, Terrorism, and Persecuted Christians
What is the origin of Islam and how is it different from Isis? What are the goals and methods Isis uses? How should believers respond? What actions should Christians take?




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