Our own Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. He’ll will speak about today’s presidential inauguration and shares topics from today’s headlines. Then he welcomes Chip Ingram. Chip brings us his latest publication: “The A.R.T. of Survival in an Age of Chaos.” His next guest is founder and president of Impact Nations, Steve Stewart, who will be discussing his new book, “The Beatitudes: For a Time of Crisis.”
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In 2003, the direction of his life changed. While returning from a trip to Korea the Lord asked him, “What do you want to do with the rest of your life? I will let you do anything.” Steve’s response was, “If I can do anything, then with the rest of my life, I want to rescue lives: spiritually, supernaturally, economically, medically, educationally.” From that encounter was birthed Impact Nations.
To his amazement, from that time on, Steve began to receive invitations to come to various places in the developing world. Bringing God’s Kingdom to the poor, the lost and the oppressed is the passion of Steve’s life. He has traveled to many nations to plant churches, provide medical care and clean water, feed the hungry. He’s established many churches, farms, small businesses, schools and a clinic.