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left_flag Wednesday, January 31
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Our host today is Kerby Anderson. He begins with a deep dive into a biblical perspective on the tension in the Middle East, at the border, and in congress regarding the border wall. And he’ll talk about the status of our nations economy. In the second hour, Kerby’s guest is Bruce Fleming. Dr. Fleming joins him to discuss current politics & trends in the US Military, and he brings us his newest book, Saving our Service Academies.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Bruce Fleming Show Page
Bruce Fleming, PhD
Author | Writer | Professor | Instructor - US Naval Academy
A native of Maryland’s Eastern Shore, Bruce Fleming graduated from Haverford College at nineteen with a degree in philosophy (BA '74) and holds graduate degrees in comparative literature from the University of Chicago (MA ’78) and Vanderbilt University (Ph.D.’82). He was a Fulbright Scholar in West Berlin and taught for two years each at the University of Freiburg in Germany and the National University of Rwanda. The latter as a Fulbright professor. He has taught at the US Naval Academy since 1987 and is the author of over twenty books His essays have been published in many leading US literary magazines, including The Yale Review, The Antioch Review, The Gettysburg Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, and Southwest Review. He has won an O. Henry Award and the Antioch Review’s Award for Distinguished Prose, as well as the US Naval Academy’s Award for Excellence in Research and a US Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award. Fleming has published op-eds in national media outlets including the New York Times, the Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Atlantic, and The Federalist, and has been interviewed on CNN, C-SPAN, NPR, and the BBC. He lives with his family outside Annapolis, Maryland.
Book Cover - Saving Our Service Academies
Saving Our Service Academies: My Battle with, and for, the US Naval Academy to Make Thinking Officers
Once proud citadels of virtue, the US military academies have lost their way and are running on fumes. They need to be fixed before it’s too late.

Saving Our Service Academies covers one man’s unrelenting thirty-year fight with the military bureaucracy to instill qualities of force and thoughtfulness in officers-to-be, to show young men how to be adults with other men and women, and to show young women how to deal with the men.
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei being hailed
Axis of Resistance Faces Moment of Truth
By: Sune Engel Rasmussen, Summer Said, Benoit Fauconand, and Stacy Meichtry - - January 30, 2024 The attack, which Khamenei had publicly praised as an “epic victory,” marked a crescendo of four decades of Iranian efforts ...
Sheepish Biden behind presidential podium
Biden’s Bad Deal
President Biden offered a deal on the border to congressional Republicans that they could refuse. To their credit, they did.
Dan Patrick & Texas border on Fox
No Wall, No Deal
The Senate and House GOP must walk away from any immigration “compromise" that doesn’t begin with the completion of the Wall.
President Biden campaigned SC does selfies
Economy and Perception
Economic growth. Lower inflation and interest rates. A bull market. Why do so many voters buy the GOP's refrain that President Biden ruined the economy?




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