First up on the show today, Kerby chats with Susan B. Anthony List president, Marjorie Dannenfelser. She tells us about her recent article on how The Pro-Life Movement Is Winning the Culture — And Elections.
In the last hour of the show, we hear from Gary Frazier who joins Kerby in studio and Lewis Hogan, founder of DC Cry. Both guests will speak to the issue of the role of pastors in politics.

Marjorie has argued that pro-life electoral politics hinges on the ability to reach voters personally. That’s why in the 2014 election cycle the SBA List and its partners, the SBA List Candidate Fund and Women Speak Out PAC, spent more than $15 million to counter strike the “war on women” – exposing pro-abortion incumbents and turning out voters through an unprecedented ground campaign.

There are 90 million born-again Christians in the U.S. who are eligible to vote, but 26 million did not vote in 2012, and 12 million are not even registered to vote!
Research and analysis of the 2012 and 2014 election cycles have shown that mobilizing a even a small number of new Christian voters can greatly impact election outcomes!