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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. In the first hour, with wisdom and insight, Kerby gives an update on the issues that affect us. In the second hour, Kerby welcomes Bruce Miller back to the show. Bruce brings us his newest book, Your Life in Rhythm.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Bruce B. Miller Show Page
Bruce B. Miller
Author | Consultant | Chairman of the Board for One Heart - Founder & Senior Pastor of Christ Fellowship
In 1997, Bruce led a team of leaders to plant Christ Fellowship in McKinney, TX, where he serves as the Senior Pastor. He helped found and serves as Chairman of the Board for One Heart McKinney, a community-wide coalition to improve the well-being of McKinney.

Bruce has authored 12 books including Leading a Church in a Time of Sexual Questioning and Your Life in Rhythm. He speaks, coaches, and consults with church leaders in the USA and other countries.

Bruce taught systematic theology at Dallas Theological Seminary. He founded and led the Centers for Church Based Training where he serves as an advisor.

Bruce and his wife, Tamara, have been blessed with five children and nine grandchildren.
Book Cover - Your Life in Rhythm
Your Life in Rhythm: Less stress, more Peace, Less frustration, more Fulfillment, Less discouragement, more Hope
Your Life in Rhythm offers a realistic solution to our crazy, overly busy, stressed lives. Miller exposes the myth of living a “balanced” life, and offers “rhythmic living” as a new paradigm for relieving guilt and stress, while accomplishing more of what matters most in life. Rhythmic living details six practical strategies for living a more fulfilling life. Instead of managing time, Miller suggests that we flow with life, living in tune with the natural rhythms of nature. By applying the rhythm strategies, we can reduce stress, frustration, and guilt while increasing fulfillment and inner peace. The point is not to balance all of our responsibilities at one time, but to focus attention on what matters most at different times. Although this sounds easy enough, the six strategies he outlines are crucial to helping the reader to achieve this goal. Miller helps us to understand the stages and seasons of life we all experience over a lifetime. This new understanding, when applied, will solve time-management problems and help readers to let go of misplaced priorities and relieve their overbooked lifestyle. The rhythm solution, in short, brings freedom. In a nutshell: - Helps readers think through their overbooked lifestyle. - Presents a new way of thinking about life management. - Helps readers to let go of misplaced priorities. - Helps readers understand the seasons of life and adjust their expectations. - Presents rhythm “solution process” for common time management issues.
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