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left_flag Wednesday, May 3
Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Today’s show is hosted by Kerby Anderson. His first guest is Wendy Patrick. Dr. Patrick brings us her book, Why Bad Looks Good. Kerby’s second guest is the President of The Justice Foundation, Allan Parker. They’ll be talking about The Moral Outcry. In the second hour, Kerby will bring us Godly wisdom for living today.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Wendy Patrick Show Page
Wendy Patrick, JD, MDiv, PhD
Teacher | Media Analyst | Author | Columnist - Prosecutor at San Diego District Attorney
Wendy Patrick, PhD is a career prosecutor and holds a bachelor's degree in psychology, a law degree, a master of divinity, and a doctorate in theology. She teaches at Trinity Law School, Veritas University, University of San Diego, and San Diego State University. Dr. Patrick regularly shares her knowledge as a media analyst and has made thousands of television appearances, including Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, CNN, Inside Edition, and a variety of other national and international programs. She is the author of Red Flags​ (St. Martin’s Press) and coauthor of The New York Times bestseller Reading People, and she writes a regular column for Psychology Today.

Wendy holds a purple belt in karate, and in her spare time, she performs with the La Jolla Symphony as a concert violinist and plays the electric violin professionally with a rock band.
Why Bad Looks Good: Biblical Wisdom to Make Smart Choices in Life, Love, and Friendship
Why Bad Looks Good uses biblical wisdom to improve your perception of the people and world around you. Using relatable, real-life examples, career prosecutor Dr. Wendy Patrick teaches you how to:

* assess people and circumstances clearly and accurately,
* identify healthy sources of power,
* surround yourself with trustworthy people, and
* transform rose-colored glasses into reading glasses.

We are drawn to talent, wealth, and beauty, yet all of those things come from God. Apply his divine wisdom to live peacefully but proactively, compassionately yet carefully, and adopt a fresh, uplifting outlook on life.
Allan E. Parker, Jr.
Attorney | President - The Justice Foundation
Allan Parker, President of The Justice Foundation, was lead counsel for Norma McCorvey, formerly “Roe” of Roe v. Wade, from 2000 to 2012, and Sandra Cano, the “Doe” of Doe v. Bolton, until 2014 in their efforts to overturn the two landmark cases that brought legalized abortion on demand to America.
The Moral Outcry is a ministry of The Justice Foundation providing free legal representation to Melinda Thybault and assistance to those who sign her nationwide petition asking the Supreme Court to reverse its abortion cases. This petition serves as a symbol of America’s Moral Outcry against abortion. It will wake up the nation and galvanize the national conscience to end the scourge of abortion in America. Sign the petition at
The Justice Foundation also represents the women of Operation Outcry, a ministry of The Justice Foundation that seeks to end the pain of abortion in America and around the world by mobilizing women hurt by abortion to become witnesses who share their true stories of the devastating effects of abortion through courts and legislatures. Operation Outcry holds the largest collection in the world of legally admissible, written testimonies from women hurt by abortion.
The Justice Foundation’s Center Against Forced Abortion (CAFA) provides free legal resources and training for lawyers, police, school counselors, and pregnancy resource centers and direct legal help to mothers who are being unduly pressured, forced or coerced into an unwanted abortion. We estimate the Center’s training, assistance and legal tools save between 1000-2000 mothers and babies annually from forced abortion.
Allan Parker is a former Professor of Law at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas, where he taught Education Law and Civil Procedure. He was a Visiting Professor at the University of Texas, and studied International Human Rights at the International Human Rights Institute in Strasbourg, France. He taught International Human Rights at the St. Mary’s Institute on World Legal Problems in Innsbruck, Austria in 1992.
Mr. Parker received his J.D. degree with high honors from the University of Texas School of Law in 1979. He was an Associate Editor of the Texas Law Review, a Chancellor, Order of the Coif, and Order of Barristers for his outstanding advocacy skills. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Oklahoma with a B.A. in Economics in 1974.
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The Moral Outcry
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