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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Penna Dexter is guest hosting today! She welcomes Patti Garibay. They’ll talk about American Heritage Girls. Then she’ll speak with Noelle Mering about her book: Theology of Home II: The Spiritual Art of Homemaking. In the final hour, Penna welcomes Mike Berry from First Liberty Institute and then Elaine Donnelly joins her to talk about the 5th Circuit Courtof Appeals’ Decision on Male-Only Draft registration.

It’s an extra special show. Please don’t miss it.

Penna Dexter
Penna Dexter

Point of View Co-Host, Penna Dexter frequently sits in as guest host for Kerby Anderson. Her weekly commentaries air on the Bott Radio Network. Penna’s heart is in educating and encouraging Christians to influence the culture and politics. She worked as a consultant overseeing the launch and production of the Family Research Council’s nationally syndicated radio program, Washington Watch Weekly. For eight yearsRead More

Patti Garibay Show Page
Patti Garibay
Founder | Executive Director - American Heritage Girls
For more than two decades, Patti Garibay has been at the forefront of countering the culture by leading girls and women to creating lives of integrity. She is the founder and executive director of American Heritage Girls (AHG), a national Christ-centered leadership and character development program. She helps thousands of girls discover their true identity and purpose in Christ through AHG’s transformative programming.

Prior to creating AHG, Patti served for 12 years as an active leader and volunteer in Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA). She was highly influential in sharing the gospel with her troop in West Chester, Ohio. In response to significant changes in the direction of GSUSA in 1993, the course of Patti’s life changed. She heard the voice of God call her to start something new. Patti drew strength from her wealth of leadership opportunities, her love for her country, and her passion for youth development to take a leap of faith in starting AHG in 1995. Today AHG stands strong with over 52,000 members globally. There are AHG Troops in all 50 states and 15 countries through the Trailblazer Program.

With fearlessness and authenticity, Patti inspires and motivates audiences with her wisdom and experience with raising Godly girls, following God’s calling, and teaching youth to serve. She is the host of the Raising Godly Girls daily one-minute radio feature found on thousands of radio stations across the nation. Through her work with AHG, Patti continues to create innovative ways to break barriers in reaching girls for Christ amid today’s culture.

Patti is the author of Why Curse the Darkness When You Can Light A Candle?, which is a story of trust and obedience to inspire those who desire to make Kingdom impact yet struggle with the fear of inadequacy.
Noelle Mering Show Page
Noelle Mering
Editor | Author - Theology of Home
Noelle Mering writes regularly on the topics of politics, culture, and religion and has a background in philosophy as well as home design.
She is an editor for and lives in southern California with her husband and six children.
Theology of Home II: The Spiritual Art of Homemaking
Filled with beautiful photography and interviews with several inspiring women, The Spiritual Art of Homemaking examines:

· what makes someone a homemaker and how we can look at the role with fresh eyes,
· how the dots between our love for home and the role of caring for a home can be reconnected,
· how we can reorient our purpose from achieving power for ourselves to caring for others,
· how to bear fruit in the various ways in which God calls us,
· how to foster the qualities that make us particularly adept and skillful at creating a home,
· the nature of both physical and spiritual motherhood,
· and how our Mother, the Church, gifts us the means to fulfill the role of a homemaker.

Whether single, married, or a working or stay-at-home mother, discover how to bring beauty, order, and vibrancy to the people and place you love most: Home.
Michael Berry Show Page
Michael Berry
General Counsel - First Liberty Institute
Michael Berry is General Counsel for First Liberty Institute. He joined First Liberty in 2013 after serving for seven years on active duty as an attorney with the U.S. Marine Corps. Among Mr. Berry’s numerous positions within the Marine Corps, he deployed to Afghanistan in 2008, and from 2009-2012, Mr. Berry served as an Adjunct Professor of Law at the United States Naval Academy. Mr. Berry continues to proudly serve our nation as a member of the Marine Corps Reserve.

As General Counsel for First Liberty Institute, Mr. Berry is responsible for leading all aspects of First Liberty’s legal operations. A recognized subject-matter expert, Mr. Berry has testified before Congress and he is routinely invited to speak across the nation about religious freedom. Mr. Berry has also been featured hundreds of times in various national media outlets.

Mr. Berry earned his bachelor’s degree from Texas A&M University, and he earned his law degree from The Ohio State University.
Elaine Donnelly Show Page
Elaine Donnelly
Founder | President - Center for Military Readiness
Elaine Donnelly is founder and president of the Center for Military Readiness, an independent, nonpartisan public policy organization that reports on and analyzes military/social issues.
Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger appointed Mrs. Donnelly to the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS) for a three-year term. (1984–1986). In 1992, President George H. W. Bush appointed her to the Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces. For a full year, the commission studied all aspects of issues surrounding women in combat in all branches of the service.
Mrs. Donnelly is the author of a chapter titled “Defending the Culture of the Military,” which was published by the Air Force University Press in the book Attitudes Are Not Free – Thinking Deeply About Diversity in the U.S. Armed Forces, released in May 2010. She also wrote a comprehensive, peer-reviewed article titled “Constructing the Co-Ed Military” for the May 2007 edition of the Duke University Journal of Gender Law & Policy.
Elaine Donnelly has published articles on military personnel issues in many media publications. She has provided testimony to Congress several times and participated in educational programs before diverse organizations. She has also appeared on most network and cable network.
In 2002 she was the recipient of the American Conservative Union’s Ronald Reagan Award. She attended Schoolcraft College and the University of Detroit and resides in Livonia, Michigan.
us-army military in full gear
Military Appreciation Month
This week, I had the privilege of testifying at the House Armed Services Committee on the topic of "Extremism in the Armed Forces."
Amicus Brief asks Supreme Court to Let Stand Fifth Circuit Decision Upholding Male-Only Draft Registration
The “friend of the court” brief, submitted on Friday, March 12, responded to a petition for a writ of certiorari, which the National Coalition for Men (NCFM) and two individual plaintiffs filed after the government ...
Military Recruits hear Instruction
Will Supreme Court Declare Military Draft Unconstitutional?
The case, which has the backing of several retired generals, bears similarities to the lawsuits that helped to launch Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legal career decades ago.




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