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left_flag Wednesday, November 1
Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Welcome to our show! Our host Kerby Anderson will be broadcasting remotely from our Beaufort, SC affiliate, station WAGP. To begin, Kerby gives updates us on the war in Israel and more. Then he speaks with Alex McFarland about Alex’s new book, 100 Bible Questions and Answers for Families. Kerby’s second guest is Chris Reese. They’ll discuss human value and the image of God, from Chris’s Worldview Bulletin article.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Alex McFarland Show Page
Alex McFarland, PhD
Author | Speaker | Advocate for Christian Apologetics | Founder & President - Truth for a New Generation
Alex McFarland is a speaker, author, and advocate for Christian apologetics. Alex is the founder and president of the national apologetic conference Truth for a New Generation and is the only evangelist to have preached in all 50 states in only 50 days. For more than a decade Alex has been co-host of "Exploring The Word," a nationally-syndicated, live Bible teaching program heard daily on the American Family Radio Network. Alex is the author of 18 books on apologetics and the Christian faith. He is a graduate of Liberty University and lives in Pleasant Garden, North Carolina with his wife of over thirty years, Angie.
100 Bible Questions and Answers for Families: Inspiring Truths, Helpful Explanations, and Power for Living from God's Eternal Word
In 100 Bible Questions and Answers, Alex McFarland and Bert Harper, veteran cohosts of the nationally syndicated broadcast Exploring the Word, tackled some of the most common challenges and queries people have about God, the Bible, and Christian living. And the questions have kept coming in.
Now, in 100 More Bible Questions and Answers for Families, they're back with fresh research, timely insight, and more of their accessible, concise responses, equipping readers to
* understand what Scripture really says about God and life,
* discuss the Bible's most controversial passages and topics,
* strengthen and grow their relationship with Christ, and
*develop the confidence to support and defend biblical truth.
Satisfy your curiosity and deepen your knowledge of Scripture as Alex and Bert guide your journey through God's Word.
Christopher Reese Show Page
Christopher Reese, ThM
Author | Blogger | Founder and Editor-in-Chief - The Worldview Bulletin
Christopher Reese a blogger, an expert in Christian worldview issues and apologetics, and the author of 100 Old Testament Quotes by Jesus: How Christ Used the Hebrew Scriptures. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Worldview Bulletin and has over fifteen years experience in the publishing industry.
painting God reaching out to Adam
Human Value and the Image of God
The claim that we’re made in God’s image can sound abstract, and not especially relevant to our everyday lives. But in reality nothing is more important to understanding who we are as human beings, and how God has designed us to live in his world.
FBI director Christopher Wray testifies before a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing
Anti-American Jihadist Terrorism
By: Andrew C. McCarthy - - October 31, 2023 Our David Zimmermann has reported on FBI Director Chris Wray’s acknowledgment in today’s Senate testimony that antisemitic threats are reaching historic highs. Wray has further ...
newly selected House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-L A )
Dracula and Spending Cuts
Among the top priorities for newly selected House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-L A ) was his announced intention to form a bipartisan panel to cut massive spending that has led to an unsustainable $33 trillion ...
Already Forgotten
By: Michael Brendan Dougherty  - - October 31, 2023 Hamas’s atrocities already are being forgotten, interred in false equivalencies. Every 9/11 memorial I’ve seen seems to include the words “Never Forget.” I remember that the ...




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