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left_flag Wednesday, November 17
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Point of View‘s guest host today is Penna Dexter. Her first guest is Tim Winter. He and Penna will discuss the Parent’s Television Council and the dangers in streaming services. Penna’s other guest is Frank Pavone. They’re going to talk about President Biden’s meeting with the Pope and the ongoing fight against abortion.

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Penna Dexter
Penna Dexter

Point of View Co-Host, Penna Dexter frequently sits in as guest host for Kerby Anderson. Her weekly commentaries air on the Bott Radio Network. Penna’s heart is in educating and encouraging Christians to influence the culture and politics. She worked as a consultant overseeing the launch and production of the Family Research Council’s nationally syndicated radio program, Washington Watch Weekly. For eight yearsRead More

tim winter Show Page
Tim Winter
President - Parents Television Council
With more than 30 years in broadcasting, cable, internet and new media technologies, along with a law degree, Tim Winter brings a wealth of experience to his position as president of the Parents Television and Media Council (PTC). The PTC is a non-partisan education organization advocating responsible entertainment.

He is passionate about protecting children from the harmful effects of graphic violence, sex, and profanity on children. He has been a fierce advocate for children and families during his 18+ year tenure at the PTC, frequently calling on the entertainment industry to be more responsible with the content it produces and markets to children. Mr. Winter has been fighting the growing trend of Hollywood’s sexualization of children in entertainment. To help combat negative and harmful representations of girls in the media, Mr. Winter helped launch the PTC’s “4 Every Girl” Campaign that advocates for healthier media images that value, respect, empower and promote the true value of every girl.

Born and raised in northern Virginia, Mr. Winter graduated from Principia College with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. He earned his Juris Doctorate from Loyola Law School in Los Angeles and is a member of the State Bar of California. He served as a Commissioner of the Pasadena Community Access Corporation (Pasadena Media) for six years, including multiple years as its Treasurer. He and his wife reside in the Los Angeles, California, metropolitan area where they enjoy watching LA Kings Hockey and trying to play as much golf as they’re accused of.
Father Frank Pavone
Fr Frank Pavone
National Director of Priests for Life - National Pastoral Director of Silent No More Awareness Campaign
FR. FRANK PAVONE is one of the most prominent pro-life leaders in the world. Originally from New York, he was ordained in 1988 by Cardinal John O’Connor, and has dedicated his entire life and ministry to ending abortion. In 1993 he requested and received permission to serves as the National Director of Priests for Life, the largest pro-life ministry in the Catholic Church. He is also the President of the National Pro-life Religious Council, and the National Pastoral Director of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and of Rachel’s Vineyard, the world’s largest ministry of healing after abortion. He travels throughout the country, to an average of four states every week, preaching and teaching against abortion. He broadcasts daily to hundreds of thousands of people on television, radio, and online programs. Mother Teresa asked him to speak in India on the life issues. The Vatican appointed him to the Pontifical Academy for Life and to the Pontifical Council for the Family to help coordinate the pro-life activities of the Catholic Church. He was present at the bedside of Terri Schiavo as she was dying and was an outspoken advocate for her life. Members of Congress have invited him to address the pro-life caucus, and to preach at the prayer service they had in the Capitol just prior to the vote on health care reform. He served on the Pro-life and Catholic advisory boards of both of President Trump’s election Campaigns and in 2020 was National Co-Chair of Pro-life Voices for Trump. He currently serves on former President Trump’s National Faith Advisory Board. He received the “Proudly Pro-life Award” by the National Right to Life Committee, and numerous other pro-life awards and honorary doctorates. His work has been praised by Presidents, Popes, and countless citizens. He is the author of four books. Norma McCorvey, the “Jane Roe” of the Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Wade abortion decision, called Fr. Frank “the catalyst that brought me into the Catholic Church.”
big screen TV on Netflix
Are Streaming Services Really ‘Family Friendly’?
Technology alone cannot solve the complex problem of monitoring our children's media consumption.
Biden meets Pope Francis
Biden Meets Pope Francis: The Take Away
Yes, this meeting of Biden and Francis is a teaching moment, but not with the message Biden intended.
Brett Kavanaugh
‘Roe’ Will Be Overturned – Federal Courts Back to Normal
By: Hugh Hewitt - - November 14, 2021 National Review remains conservatism’s “must read” magazine. It has worked its way back from its “Against Trump” editorial of Jan. 22, 2016 — and the special ...




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