Today Point of View is hosted by our own Kerby Anderson. First Kerby shares what’s happening in the nation. Kerby’s guest is Mark Hall, PhD. Dr. Hall joins Kerby in-studio. He brings a new book, “Did America Have a Christian Founding?,” and will spend the hour talking about our Godly heritage.
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Mark’s primary research and writing interests are American political theory and the relationship between religion and politics. In addition to having written and edited twelve books, he has also penned more than 100 journal articles, book chapters, reviews, and sundry pieces. His essay, Did America have a Christian Founding? has been downloaded more than 300,000 times.
Mark’s expert’s report for the Alliance Defending Freedom in the Barronelle Stutzman case was published by the Heritage Foundation as “Religious Accommodations and the Common Good.”
Mark regularly contributes to Law & Liberty and The Intercollegiate Review.
In addition to teaching at George Fox University, Mark is Associated Faculty at the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University, Senior Fellow at Baylor University's Institute for Studies of Religion, and an Affiliate Scholar at the John Jay Institute.