Join our host, Kerby Anderson as he brings biblical insight to today’s world. During the first hour he will talk with Janna Gardner about Healing Hands Ministries. In the second hour Kerby speaks with Luke Goodrich, vice president and senior counsel at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. Luke’s new book is “Free To Believe.”
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Janna is a Registered Nurse who has worked in both the private and nonprofit sectors prior to founding Healing Hands Ministries. She has received numerous awards and honors for her work, including D Magazine’s 2016 CEO of the Year for Achievement in Community Outreach and the 2012 Altrusa Woman of the Year for Not-for-Profit Organizations. She serves on several boards and she and her husband Brent are members at Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas, Tx. They have 2 adults sons Trent and Carter.

Many Americans are concerned about rising threats to religious freedom. They feel the culture changing around them, and they fear that their beliefs will soon be marginalized as a form of bigotry. Others, younger Christians in particular, are tired of the culture wars, and they wonder whether courtroom battles are truly worthwhile, or even in line with the teachings of Jesus. Luke Goodrich offers a reasoned, balanced, gospel-centered approach to religious freedom. He applies biblical understanding to a number of the most hot-button cultural issues of our day. He also offers practical steps Christians can take to respond to religious freedom conflicts in an informed, responsible, and graceful way.