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left_flag Wednesday, October 14
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Today Point of View‘s host is our own Kerby Anderson!  In the first hour, he welcomes Jason Romano. Jason is host and producer of the Sports Spectrum podcast. He’ll be sharing his book, “The Uniform of Leadership.” And then, Susan Michael joins Kerby to talk about the Israel/UAE Peace Agreement. Then Kerby will bring us his take on today’s news. His next guest is on-air television host & reporter Angela Zatopek Blair. She’ll join Kerby to talk about the Townhall commentary on Netflix’s “Cuties.” In the final hour Kerby welcomes J. Otis Ledbetter, author, conference speaker, and lead pastor at Sonrise Church in Clovis, California. They will talk about his new book, “Soul Hunger.” And finally Kerby will speak with Craig Denison. They’ll talk about First 15 Ministry & National Suicide Awareness Month.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Jason Romano Show Page
Jason Romano
Host | Producer - Sports Spectrum podcast
Jason Romano is the host and producer of the Sports Spectrum podcast where he interviews athletes, coaches, and other personalities on the intersection of sports and faith. He is also a contributor to Sports Spectrum Magazine and writes articles daily for During his time at ESPN, he created and produced content for shows such as SportsCenter, Monday Night Football, Mike and Mike in the Morning, Sunday NFL Countdown, College Gameday, and the MLB's All-Star Game.
The Uniform of Leadership: Lessons on True Success from My ESPN Life
Timeless leadership lessons honed by nearly two decades behind the scenes at ESPN
Jason Romano learned incredible lessons during his seventeen years as a producer at ESPN--and these fundamentals for success on the field or court work just as well in other spheres of leadership, especially when you add God's direction to the playbook.
Susan Michael Show Page
Susan Michael
USA's Director | Member of International Board of Director - International Christian Embassy Jerusalem
For more than thirty-five years, Susan has pioneered the development of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem in the United States and around the world. She currently serves as the ministry’s USA Director and is a member of the ICEJ’s international Board of Directors.

Susan and her husband lived and worked for many years in Washington D.C. where she developed a close working relationship with the Israeli Embassy and strong connections with the US Jewish community at large. They currently reside in South Florida.
Angela Zatopek Blair Show Page
Angela Zatopek Blair
On-Air Television Host | Reporter
A graduate from the University of Texas at Austin, Blair began her reporting career doing sideline sports for the University with Fox Sports and CBS College Sports. She was recruited as an on-air reporter and host with the Christian Broadcasting Network. A recent project includes working with National Geographic and Morgan Freeman on their hit series ‘Story of God.’ Blair also has a background in the political arena, covering the 2016 Presidential Primary Debates as a live shot correspondent with One America News Network. There she interviewed President Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Senator Ted Cruz, Dr. Ben Carson and other Republican candidates.
Today, Angela works closely with Taya Kyle, wife of American Sniper Chris Kyle. She serves as Executive Senior Communications and Media Spokesperson on behalf of the Taya and Chris Kyle Foundation. Serving military and law enforcement families today, they work to implement programming for service spouses around the world. Together, they also have launched a faith + fashion lifestyle brand that sells designs, doing a national campaign towards families and service members of the U.S. military and first responder community.
Netflix HQ
Cuties and Netflix
Netflix just released a movie titled Cuties. It is anything but cute. Many feel the “film” is an absolute child-exploiting monstrosity and have joined in on the online conversation to #CancelNetflix. Source: Cuties: Should We ...
J. Otis Ledbetter Show Page
J. Otis Ledbetter
Author | Conference Speaker | Lead Pastor - Sonrise Church in Clovis, CA
J. Otis Ledbetter is an author, conference speaker and lead pastor at Sonrise Church in Clovis, California. He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Liberty University. He is also the author of Your Heritage: How to Be Intentional aboutthe Legacy You Leave.
Hunger Test
Heritage Builders Global is not about another church program. It is a set of tools that can add substance to your church's existing programs. It is a movement that seeks to educate, train and equip parents to become intentional about passing on a spiritual heritage to their children.
Soul Hunger: Satisfy Your Heart's Deepest Longing
If you are hungry and searching for something, you are not alone. That hunger you sense is rooted in a raging spiritual battle taking place inside every human being―a battle between flesh and Spirit for the same territory. The legitimate hungers placed in each of us at birth are ground zero in this battle. Using the fruit of the Spirit passage, Soul Hunger shows you how to allow the Holy Spirit to live victoriously within you and win the battle against your flesh.
Craig Denison Show Page
Craig Denison
Writer | Speaker | Worship Leader - First15
Craig Denison is the author of First15, a daily devotional guiding over a million believers into a fresh experience with God’s presence every day. He writes, speaks, and he and his wife, Rachel lead worship to help believers establish a more tangible, meaningful connection with God. You can check out his work by signing up to receive First15 every morning for free, and by engaging with First15 on social media.
Craig Denison sitting
I’m a Christian author, and I keep having panic attacks
I’ve been a Christian for most of my life, the son of a pastor in fact. My whole life I’ve dealt with some social anxiety, never feeling quite comfortable or settled in social situations even ...
Man sitting against bare wall
Suicide – Jim Denison
Darrin Patrick, a megachurch pastor, speaker, and author, died earlier this year. According to Seacoast Church, a multi-site megachurch in South Carolina where he was teaching pastor, he died of what appeared to be a ...
Cartoon - man chewing nails & afraid
Republican Retreat on Race
When are Republicans going to learn how to talk about race in America, and that they can’t avoid talking about it? Democrats talk about it all the time, and we can be sure that one ...




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