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left_flag Wednesday, October 23
Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Host Penna Dexter leads us through this great show. In the first hour, she will talk with Parents Television and Media Council Vice President Melissa Henson. Then she welcomes Jason Snead to the mic. They’ll discuss the Honest Elections Project. Michelle Havrilla. She’ll share knowledge about child sex change treatments. In the second hour, she welcomes Michelle Havrilla. She’ll share knowledge about child sex change treatments.

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Penna Dexter
Penna Dexter

Point of View Co-Host, Penna Dexter frequently sits in as guest host for Kerby Anderson. Her weekly commentaries air on the Bott Radio Network. Penna’s heart is in educating and encouraging Christians to influence the culture and politics. She worked as a consultant overseeing the launch and production of the Family Research Council’s nationally syndicated radio program, Washington Watch Weekly. For eight yearsRead More

Melissa Henson Show Page
Melissa Henson
Vice President of Programs - Parents Television and Media Council
Melissa Henson is a noted expert on entertainment industry trends and the impact of entertainment media on children and American culture at large. As the Parents Television and Media Council’s Vice President of Programs, she directs the organization’s educational programs, research, and advocacy for a safe media environment for children and families.

During her 25-year tenure at the PTC, Ms. Henson has championed the protection of children from harmful media that Hollywood markets to them, has urged corporate accountability from sponsors of entertainment media, mobilized grassroots members of the PTC to urge enforcement of the broadcast indecency law, and has tackled issues of child sexual exploitation in the media. She urged Hollywood to present more positive, empowering images of girls in the media. And she produced a number of groundbreaking PTC studies documenting graphic sex, violence and profanity on television and in streaming media.

She began her career with the PTC in 1997 as an entertainment analyst, documenting instances of inappropriate content on television.

Ms. Henson is a sought-after entertainment expert and has appeared on a variety of TV programs, is a frequent guest on radio talk shows across the country, and has been quoted extensively in news sources.

Ms. Henson is a graduate of the University of Virginia where she received a BA in Government. She resides in Falls Church, Va., with her husband and their son.
Jason Snead Show Page
Jason Snead, MA
Writer | Speaker | Executive Director - Honest Elections Project
Jason Snead is the executive director of the Honest Elections Project. Prior to heading the project, Jason spent 10 years at The Heritage Foundation, where he had the honor to work for former Attorney General EdMeese. During his tenure at Heritage, Jason rose to become a senior policy analyst and a recognized expert on a wide range of subjects. He regularly studied, wrote, and spoke on topics ranging from criminal justice and civil asset for forfeiture reform, to technology policy and the regulation of drones in American skies, to preserving the integrity of American elections. Jason also managed the development of the Heritage Election Fraud Database, a unique tool aggregating proven instances of voter fraud from around the nation. Jason holds a master’s degree in public policy from George Mason University’s Schar School of Policy and Government, and a bachelor’s degree from Bowling Green State University.
Michelle Havrilla Show Page
Michelle Havrilla, CRNP
Director of Programs - Do No Harm Medicine
Michelle Havrilla has served as Do No Harm’s Director of Programs since March 2024. In her role, she focuses on the dangers of gender ideology impacting children today.

She is specifically working to expose health systems throughout the United States and their complicity in propagating unscientific and non-evidence based “gender-affirming care” to pediatric patients.

Michelle is an oncology certified nurse practitioner by training and has experience in healthcare technology, including product development and clinical engagement. She received a BS in biology from York College of Pennsylvania, and a BSN and MSN in nursing from Johns Hopkins University.



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