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left_flag Wednesday, October 3
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Kerby Anderson will be guest hosting today’s Millennial Roundtable. He will be talking with Lauren McAfee, Author, Speaker, and Corporate Ambassador for Hobby Lobby.

We look forward to hearing your perspective, give us a call at 800-351-1212 or post a question on facebook at

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Lauren McAfee Show Page
Lauren Green McAfee
Author, Speaker, & Corporate Ambassador - Hobby Lobby
Lauren Green McAfee is Corporate Ambassador for Hobby Lobby, and author of Only One Life: How a Woman’s Every Day Shapes An Eternal Legacy. She is a speaker, connector, coffee enthusiast, who is passionate about communicating messages she cares about. She is also a constant learner, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Ethics and Public Policy with Dr. Russell Moore as her supervisor.
Prior to her role with Hobby Lobby, Lauren worked for her father Steve Green as he founded Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC. During her time at the Museum, she served as Curator, Artifact Collection Manager, and Director of Community Engagement. While she was working at Museum of the Bible, Lauren finished two graduate degrees; a Master of Arts inpastoral counseling and a Master of Arts in public theology.

Lauren and her husband Michael live in Oklahoma City and love working and traveling together.
Nick Daily Briefing
Daily Briefing
The Daily Briefing is a newsletter sent straight to your inbox every morning that provides biblical insight on today's news. This five-minute read gives an overview of the news driving the day and provides Nick Notes. These Notes offer biblical insight of the highlighted article. In essence, each note tries to answer this question: how should we think about this from a biblical perspective?
Leftist Contempt for Your Values
By: Dennis Prager - - October 3, 2018 When I was in graduate school, I learned a lot about the left. One lesson was that while most liberals and conservatives abide by society’s rules ...
Anti-Trump protest
Left Consumed With Hate
By: Shelby Steele - - September 23, 2018 Even before President Trump’s election, hatred had begun to emerge on the American left—counterintuitively, as an assertion of guilelessness and moral superiority. At the Women’s March ...
Trump supporter waves american flag
Origins of Second Civil War
By: Victor Davis Hanson - - July 31, 2018 Globalism, the tech boom, illegal immigration, campus radicalism, the new racialism . . . Are they leading us toward an 1861? How, when, and why ...




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