America’s Godly Heritage
August 6th, 2024
Quote from James Spencer
As we Imitate Christ, we learn to love what Jesus desires us to love in the way that Jesus desires us to love it.
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July 9th, 2024
Importantly, the Bible was Rush’s battering ram in the abolitionist cause. Source: Benjamin Rush Condemned Slavery as Enemy of the American Revolution | National Review
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April 25th, 2024
Ballot box & voter
A new survey reveals that Evangelicals view immigration, American sovereignty and abortion as the top issues facing the United States heading into the 2024 presidential election.
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March 26th, 2024
man waves US Flag from car window during parade
By: Charles C. W. Cooke – – March 25, 2024 The fewer flags we fly other than the Stars and Stripes, the better. Ihave been meaning for a while now to complain about the way in which Americans have come to deploy their national flag, but, until today, a clean opportunity has never quite presented itself. Where I live,...
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March 25th, 2024
Washington DC landmarks
With the ever increasing warnings about the alleged danger of “Christian nationalism,” however ambiguous that term might be, it is only fair to ask: Is America a Christian nation?
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February 20th, 2024
Biden head bowed praying backdrop is giant US flag
So often I get asked if the left is that incompetent. No, they are not incompetent; they know exactly what they are doing, and why.
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December 28th, 2023
AFR Podcast Logo
A rep. democracy and constitutional republic; the marriage and family catalyst; and Project Healing Heroes, are front and center. Episode 643
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December 26th, 2023
Christian Christmas Celebration
Considering all the nations in the world and the dominating religions within those nations, Christianity is the most beneficial. When Christians are in the majority, it is good for everyone who resides here.
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December 6th, 2023
Vivek Ramaswamy
The war, Vivek Ramaswamy acknowledges, could and likely will get worse. But we can already see the troops deployed and the battle lines drawn
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December 1st, 2023
Bill Mahr Greg Gutfeld split
For the last few generations, Western civilization has been under attack. But recently, there were some excellent defenses of it made by Bill Maher (earlier this month) and by Greg Gutfeld in his program on Fox News Channel last Friday. Gutfeld said: “So let’s talk about the death of Western civilization. It’s in trouble, people.…
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