July 11th, 2022
New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu
New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu (R) predicted that a recession is coming and blasted Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, claiming “she’s completely misled America” and should be fired.  
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July 5th, 2022
Utah Gas Station
By: The Editorial Board – – July 4, 2022 It’s embarrassing for the leader of the free world to sound like he’s channeling Hugo Chávez. A Chinese state media flack praised Mr. Biden’s tweet: “Now US President finally realized that capitalism is all about exploitation. He didn’t believe this before.” Or maybe he did, and nobody wanted to believe...
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June 24th, 2022
IPI logo square
President Joe Biden and his economic advisors are dreaming up ways to fight rising gasoline prices. The steps they are reportedly considering would not just be worthless, they would be counterproductive.
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June 23rd, 2022
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell
Chair of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell contradicted Wednesday claims from President Joe Biden’s that “Putin’s price hike” is to blame for record high inflation.
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June 23rd, 2022
Biden speaks at Ohio factory
By: David R. Henderson & Casey B. Mulligan – – June 22, 2022  Most discussion about the possibility of recession focuses on the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies. But there are also factors on the supply side of the economy that may tip the U.S. economy into a recession. Among them are the tax and regulatory policies of the Biden administration. A...
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June 20th, 2022
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell
The Federal Reserve Bank announced a 75 basis point interest rate hike on Wednesday, a 50 percent greater increase than the central bank had initially signaled it was going to make for June.
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June 10th, 2022
icy oil rigs near Odessa, TX
By: Wayne Stoltenberg & Merrill Matthews – – June 8, 2022 Oil and gas prices on the New York Mercantile Exchange are at five-year highs. But many publicly traded producers are pursuing a strategy that looks like “orderly liquidation”—only maintaining or modestly increasing production volumes. Meanwhile, they are returning significant cash to shareholders in dividends and share repurchases. Devon Energy recently issued...
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June 10th, 2022
Biden confused weak
By: Dan McLaughlin – – June 9, 2022 None of the methods for fighting inflation are things Democrats can consider doing. To see this article and subscribe to others like it, choose to read more. Source:
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June 6th, 2022
fed chairman Jerome Powell
There’s a risk that U.S. price gains could take much longer than expected to fall.
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June 3rd, 2022
Biden jestures w hand wears blue
By: The Editorial Board – – June 1, 2022 The White House is finally conceding that it made a political mistake in underestimating inflation, with some officials even offering a modified, limited mea culpa. We suppose that’s progress, but the return of soaring prices after a 40-year hiatus is also an historic policy failure that is worth recounting. It...
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