July 6th, 2020
Cartoon: college grad with blinders on
By: John M. Ellis – – July 5, 2020 Most campuses have similar rules of their own. Yet across the country, these categorical prohibitions are now ignored. Academia has become politicized from top to bottom. A typical example: California’s constitution spells out that the University of California “shall be entirely independent of all political or sectarian influence and kept free therefrom.”...
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June 30th, 2020
lecture-college students
By: Elizabeth Powers – – June 29, 2020 For the origins of ‘woke’ culture, look to the turn that higher education took half a century ago. A recent Wall Street Journal editorial drew attention to the source of the moral denunciation that now dominates journalism: namely, “dogmas that began in the universities.” These dogmas go by various names (among...
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June 10th, 2020
Students walking to school
By: Ivy Nichols – June 9, 2020 While some schools have made decisions about whether or not they are going to open again in the fall, the decisions and game plan of many are still up in the air. Children do not learn well when they are made to sit in front of a computer for a long period of time....
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May 27th, 2020
2020 graduation
By: Steve Israel – – May 27, 2020 Matt Amedeo, a graduating senior from Boston College, did everything right. He studied hard and had a strong grade point average. He was a Division One student athlete. He worked various jobs on campus. After interning for a technology company last year, he received a strong job offer. All his ambitions...
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May 21st, 2020
lg elementary students in library
By: John Stossel – – May 20, 2020 The government has closed most schools. So, more parents are teaching kids at home. That upsets the government school monopoly. Education “experts” say parents lack the expertise to teach their kids. Without state schooling, “learning losses… could well be catastrophic,” says The New York Times. Home schooling “will set back a generation...
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May 21st, 2020
lg elementary students in library
By: John Stossel – – May 20, 2020 The government has closed most schools. So, more parents are teaching kids at home. That upsets the government school monopoly. Education “experts” say parents lack the expertise to teach their kids. Without state schooling, “learning losses… could well be catastrophic,” says The New York Times. Home schooling “will set back a generation...
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April 30th, 2020
Harvard U
By: John Zmirak – – April 21, 2020 Harvard Law School hosts a program called the “Child Advocacy Program,” or CAP, which works on weakening “parent rights” and diminishing the idea of “family preservation” … . [T]he latest crusade by CAP’s director, Harvard law professor Elizabeth Bartholet, is basically to abolish homeschooling. “The Risks of Homeschooling” is Harvard Magazine’s...
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April 24th, 2020
By: Laura Hollis – – April 23, 2020 Harvard Magazine published a truly awful article this past week in which Elizabeth Bartholet, a Harvard Law School professor and the director of its Child Advocacy Program, comes out strongly against homeschooling. Bartholet’s interview is a smorgasbord of selective outrage and red herrings. She points to isolated instances of neglect by homeschooling parents...
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March 11th, 2020
Students taking test under Texas flag
By: Matt Shaheen – – January 15, 2020 With the huge gains for education made this past legislative session, I have been spending a lot of time visiting schools across my Plano and North Dallas district. I’ve been listening to teachers, principals and parents about how to build on our legislative success. The overwhelming issue I’m hearing is frustration...
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February 28th, 2020
supreme court building
By: Kassie Dulin – – February 25, 2020 In recent years, local and state governments have forced numerous faith-based adoption and foster care agencies out of business because of their religious beliefs about marriage. While some of those agencies closed with little protest, Catholic Social Services chose to fight back in the courts. Catholic Social Services filed a lawsuit alleging that...
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