April 8th, 2019
Student crosses snowy street
By: Samuel Adkisson – – April 5, 2019 What happens at our nation’s elite law schools rarely stays there. That is why recent events at Yale Law School are so disturbing. In an effort to appease campus protesters, Yale announced that it would begin discriminating against religious students. This should concern all who value intellectual diversity and religious freedom. But even more troubling is...
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April 5th, 2019
By: Walter Williams – – December 6, 2018 A recent Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation survey found that 51 percent of American millennials would rather live in a socialist or communist country than in a capitalist country. Only 42 percent prefer the latter. Twenty-five percent of millennials who know who Vladimir Lenin was view him favorably. Lenin was the first...
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April 3rd, 2019
By: The Stream – – March 27, 2019 The theme of the debate was, “Is It Time to Try Socialism?” Two editors, one a free-marketer and the other a socialist, weighed in on a question dealing with the future of freedom in America. Jay debated Bhaskar Sunkara, editor and publisher of pro-socialist Jacobin. The Stream, of course, is pro-free enterprise....
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March 27th, 2019
students sitting on campus
By: Renae Reints – – March 25, 2019 Yale University has rescinded the admission of a student who had been accepted as part of the recently revealed college admissions scandal. According to the university, former Yale women’s soccer coach Rudy Meredith provided “fraudulent athletic endorsements” for two applicants. One applicant was denied admission and the other had been attending Yale...
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March 22nd, 2019
Betsy DeVos & Donald Trump
By: Jeremy Dys – – March 19, 2019 Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced this month that she will no longer enforce a federal law barring religious organizations from providing federally funded educational services to private schools. The action is a natural development to follow President Trump’s 2017 executive order on religious freedom. Trump’s order directed the attorney general to issue...
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March 21st, 2019
college campus
By: Walter E. Williams – – March 20, 2019 Federal prosecutors have charged more than 50 people involved in cheating and bribery in order to get their children admitted to some of the nation’s most prestigious colleges and universities such as Georgetown, Yale, Stanford, University of Texas, University of Southern California and UCLA. They often paid more than $100,000 to rig SAT...
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March 14th, 2019
Students sitting on grass
By: The Editorial Board – – March 13, 2019 Universities are more than innocent victims in this scandal. Coming soon to a theater near you: The movie about wealthy and famous parents who paid a California fixer to cheat their child’s way into universities. Many readers have heard about the charges against 50 or so people on Tuesday for this real-life fraud...
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March 13th, 2019
By: Liam Quinn – – March 12, 2019 Reaction from Candace Owens, communications director for Turning Point USA. College campuses aren’t a safe space for Republicans students, according to a new survey. More than 1,500 students from 207 schools took part in the study conducted by OneClass, an online education platform. Of those asked, 38 percent of Republican students said they sometimes feel...
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March 13th, 2019
By: Liam Quinn – – March 12, 2019 Reaction from Candace Owens, communications director for Turning Point USA. College campuses aren’t a safe space for Republicans students, according to a new survey. More than 1,500 students from 207 schools took part in the study conducted by OneClass, an online education platform. Of those asked, 38 percent of Republican students said they sometimes feel...
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March 13th, 2019
Lori Loughlin, Felicity Huffman
By: Tom Winter, Pete Williams, Julia Ainsley and Rich Schapiro – – March 12, 2019 Hollywood actresses Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman are among 50 people charged in a $25 million college entrance exam cheating scheme, according to court documents unsealed in Boston on Tuesday. The alleged scam focused on getting students admitted to elite universities as recruited athletes, regardless of...
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