July 9th, 2024
Graphic image showing support for Israel
A map pops up now and then on the internet that speaks volumes about the Middle East. It shows Israel amid its Arab neighbors, which number 22 countries with a combined population of nearly half a billion people on more than 5 million square miles of land.
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July 1st, 2024
Arkansas Ten Commandments Monument
Jeff Landry, the governor of Louisiana, has been stirring a hornets’ nest recently by promoting a law that mandates the Ten Commandments in that state’s public schools. Already the ACLU are suing to block the new bill on behalf of some parents.
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June 23rd, 2024
Former Gateway Church Pastor Robert Morris - March 21, 2020
Days after Robert Morris resigned from Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, televangelist James Robison has refuted reports he accompanied Morris to meet with the family of the woman who claims she was abused at age 12.
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June 21st, 2024
first liberty pillar logo
Louisiana Governor Signs Ten Commandments Bill Bill recognizes historic role of Ten Commandments in development of state law. Baton Rouge, LA— Today, Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry signed HB 71, which requires the posting of the Ten Commandments in schools and colleges that receive public funding.[…]
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June 18th, 2024
Believers on a motorcycle in Dem Rep of Congo
The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for killing dozens of people in a series of violent attacks lasting multiple days in several villages in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with at least 80 Christians reportedly among the dead, military and local sources say.
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June 14th, 2024
The Future of Faith and Freedom
We call it, the Future of Faith and Freedom or F3. F3 is dedicated to helping the up-and-coming generation change America.
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June 11th, 2024
70,000 in Trafalgar Square to Hear Gospel Message
News of revival from countries outside of the United States continues to travel around the world.
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June 7th, 2024
priest leads service - Normandy, July 1944
By: Michael Snape – – June 6, 2024 In an order distributed to the expeditionary force, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhowerhailed the cross-channel invasion as a “Great Crusade” and invoked “the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.” That language might grate against 21st-century sensibilities. In the intervening decades, a tide of secularization, the growth of multifaith...
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June 7th, 2024
Gov. Jeff Landry
Louisiana could become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed on a poster in all schools and colleges that receive public funding.
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June 6th, 2024
graphic - man with hammer destroys church bldg
By: Christopher Reese – – January 29, 2024 Large numbers of Americans today are departing from the church and sometimes the Christian faith. About 40 million adults who used to attend church no longer do. For the first time in 80 years, the number of adults who don’t attend church outnumber those who do. This is such a radical...
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