August 9th, 2017
Americans are increasingly becoming more isolated, and public health experts are concerned. In the United States, about a quarter of the population lives alone. Marriage rates and the number of kids per U.S. household are also dropping, according to census data. Now, research presented this month at the 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association underlines the connection between...
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May 25th, 2017
At  Point of View, we are dedicated to helping you to find truth in a world that no longer believes in absolute truth. Many in our culture have abandoned the search for truth in this post-truth world. As Christians, we realize the problem is even worse because most people are not thinking biblically about important issues. My recent interview with...
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February 15th, 2017
In case you missed it, there is a hilarious Tumblr blog floating the web that depicts “Why Millennials Don’t Go to Church” in LOLCat format. One picture featured twirling cats and the words, “We can haz liturgical dance to attract the youngz” and another showed a cat lounging on top of a guitar asking, “Maybe u would like a praise...
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January 3rd, 2017
Americans are five times less likely to pray now as compared to the early 1980’s, and twice as many said they do not believe in God. So concludes the research led by psychology professor Jean Twenge of San Diego State University. The biggest decline is among 18–29 year olds, the so-called millennials. The study reveals a sharp decline in religious...
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December 13th, 2016
When PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel took the stage at the RNC last week, one might have expected him to speak only about the great innovative spirit that is allowed to blossom into new products, services and creations when government steps out of the way. Instead, this self-proclaimed homosexual activist chose to flush his credibility down the toilet with a “throw...
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November 22nd, 2016
The Left’s Post-Trump Win Campaign of Terror A few months back, I wondered aloud here why campus leftists would invite fellow students to bite the heads off fetus cookies. Or what purpose was served by hanging a Jesus dartboard in a dorm. The answer I found was simple. And alarming. The left in America is engaged in what Catholic philosopher...
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October 28th, 2016
OK, I get it. The title of this article sounds conspiratorial and inflammatory. In fact, it sounds like a “shock” headline designed to get your attention. Who, after all, is this ambiguous “they” I’m referring to, and why are “they” coming for “you” — referring obviously to Christian leaders? And what, pray tell, are “they” coming to do to “you?”...
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October 19th, 2016
Make no mistake about it. If you are a conservative Christian and Hillary Clinton becomes our next president, she will declare war on certain aspects of your faith. Your religious liberties will be targeted, and your biblical beliefs will be branded disturbing, if not downright dangerous. Do not be deceived. She has made herself perfectly clear on this in the...
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June 21st, 2016
Don’t Bend Your Knee to Trump, Evangelicals A candidate who subverts all of our most cherished values should be avoided at all costs. Tomorrow, hundreds of Evangelical leaders will gather in New York City to meet with Donald Trump. I must confess that I don’t understand their purpose. I suspect that it will be exactly the kind of meeting that...
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Pray for America
June 13th, 2016
Over the weekend, America suffered the deadliest terror attack since 911. No doubt you have heard the reports that the target of this attack was the LGBT community. As Christians, we are called to love our LGBT neighbors and today we pray for the victims and their families and loved ones who are suffering. Although we disagree with the LGBT...
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