September 5th, 2024
first liberty pillar logo
First Liberty’s best resources to help you be educated on the rights pastors and churches have during elections, how your vote impacts the Supreme Court, judges and bills in Congress, and more.
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September 3rd, 2024
Voting: Your Biblical Duty
From our friends at Coral Ridge Ministries…. Are you prepared to cast a biblically informed vote this November? God requires it, so we’ll show you how to make a genuine difference — on this week’s “Truths That Transform.”
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August 25th, 2024
DNC Platform Cover Shot
Every four years, Democrats from across the country join together to craft our party’s platform. The platform is created to uplift working people and write out the values that will guide our party for years to come.  
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August 23rd, 2024
RNC Platform Cover shot
Today and together, with Love for our Country, Faith in our People, and Trust in God’s Good Grace, we will Make America Great Again!
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