September 9th, 2020
Is it true that leaders of the BLM movement, including one of the co-founders, are calling on the spirits of the dead? That they claim to receive spiritual power from the deceased? That they talk with these spirits and even give them names? The answer to all these questions is yes. This is now an open secret. Source: Are BLM...
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September 9th, 2020
Abraham Hamilton III, a conservative black podcast host, claimed on August 19 that leaders of the “Black Lives Matter” movement engage in witchcraft and summon dead spirits. Hamilton used his platform to urge Christians that have sided with and supported BLM to reevaluate the movement. His podcast, The Hamilton Corner, is broadcast by American Family Radio, a socially conservative radio...
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September 9th, 2020
President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced he is adding 20 names to a list of Supreme Court candidates that he’s pledged to choose from if he has future vacancies to fill. The list include Republican Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Christopher Landau, the current ambassador to Mexico, and Gregory Katsas, a Trump nominee to the...
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September 9th, 2020
President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced he is adding 20 names to a list of Supreme Court candidates that he’s pledged to choose from if he has future vacancies to fill. The list include Republican Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Christopher Landau, the current ambassador to Mexico, and Gregory Katsas, a Trump nominee to the...
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September 8th, 2020
During the Democratic National Convention, some rightwing websites drew attention to the large viewership drop from 2016. This was not entirely surprising, though, since there is not tremendous enthusiasm for candidate Biden (as opposed to great animosity towards Trump). Plus, the virtual convention was not exactly a viewer spectacle. How would things bode for the RNC? Source: More Fake Headlines...
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September 4th, 2020
By: Daniel Henninger – – September 2, 2020 After Hurricane Isaias ran up the East Coast, a man interviewed in the New York City borough of Queens stood amid the rubble of snapped trees and downed wires in his neighborhood and pondered the Furies: “We’re only halfway through 2020 and we’ve had a pandemic, riots and now a hurricane...
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September 1st, 2020
A poll released on Monday shows President Donald Trump receiving a post-convention increase in support among black voters. The poll, conducted by Emerson College, surveyed 1,576 voters between August 30 and August 31 to ascertain the impact that both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions may have had on the public. Emerson’s results indicate that Trump has tightened the race,...
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August 31st, 2020
No one is saying athletes should not have social consciences or forums to express their political views. But the game is not such a forum, not if they expect people to attend or tune in. Ostensibly, the NBA boycotts, which other sports are adopting, are illogical. But then, the animating concept behind the player protests — “systemic racism,” derived from...
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August 28th, 2020
American novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald remarked, “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” For poor, often Black, communities, a desire for more policing is not at odds with their cries for humane treatment by the men and women in blue....
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August 27th, 2020
By: Editorial Staff – – August 26, 2020 The party conventions are focused on the race for the White House, but there’s precious little mention of what is arguably the more important contest: The fight for the U.S. Senate. Whoever holds that majority will determine whether change next year is centrist or radical. This assumes Democrats hold the House, which...
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