Military Policy
August 31st, 2018
Kelly Shackelford at American Legion
By: Jeff Stoffer – – August 30, 2018 A gold-plated .22-caliber repeating rifle engraved with images of a bald eagle, the Statue of Liberty and the Liberty Bell is on its way from the 100th American Legion National Convention in Minneapolis to the White House in Washington, D.C. President Donald J. Trump is the recipient of the rifle, the annual prize for...
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July 20th, 2018
Portrain of Benedict Arnold
Portrait of Gen. Benedict Arnold by an unknown artist. The American soldier joined the colonial forces during the War of Independence, 1775-83, took part in the unsuccessful siege of Quebec, and ultimately fled to the British lines after a failed plot to surrender West Point. He’s the most famous traitor in U.S. history. (Photo: Library of Congress, AP) By: Rick Hampson...
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July 6th, 2018
Military chaplain
By: Nicole Russell – – July 5, 2018 This Independence Day, millions of Americans took time to honor those in the military who risk their lives to ensure America remains free and independent. Unfortunately, an increasing number of military members are discovering their own rights to free speech and religious expression are being curtailed within the very institution they’ve...
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June 13th, 2018
N. Korea -USA Summit
By: By Mark Landler – – June 12, 2018 In a day of personal diplomacy that began with a choreographed handshake and ended with a freewheeling news conference, President Trump deepened his wager on North Korea’s leader on Tuesday, arguing that their rapport would bring the swift demise of that country’s nuclear program. Mr. Trump, acting more salesman than...
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May 16th, 2018
Trump & Kim Jong-un
By: Anna Fifield – – May 16, 2018 North Korea is rapidly moving the goal posts for next month’s summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Trump, saying the United States must stop insisting that the North “unilaterally” abandon its nuclear weapons program and stop talking about a Libya-style solution to the standoff. The latest warning, delivered by...
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May 2nd, 2018
Allen West and N. Korea's Kim Jong-un & S. Korea's Moon Jae-in
By: Michael Morris – – April 27, 2018 As South Korean Presiden Moon Jae-in and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un stood side by side, agreeing on peace, unification, and denuclearization, retired Lieutenant Colonel Allen West advized caution on the peace proclamation, reminding that Hitler signed the Munich Accords. “North and South Korea sign proclamation to denuclearize the Korean peninsula...
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May 2nd, 2018
John Kerry shakes hands - Iran Deal
By: David Harsanyi – – May 1, 2018 On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented documents to the world that prove Iran lied for years about its peaceful intentions. Netanyahu claims that in 2017 the Iranians moved “a comprehensive program to design, build and test nuclear weapons” to a secret location, and that a few weeks ago Mossad...
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May 2nd, 2018
John Kerry shakes hands - Iran Deal
By: David Harsanyi – – May 1, 2018 On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented documents to the world that prove Iran lied for years about its peaceful intentions. Netanyahu claims that in 2017 the Iranians moved “a comprehensive program to design, build and test nuclear weapons” to a secret location, and that a few weeks ago Mossad...
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May 2nd, 2018
tehran iran 20 flags
by Daniel Horowitz – – May 1, 2018 Perhaps just as stunning as the Mossad’s ability to smuggle 100,000 documents out of Iran right under the nose of the Islamic regime is the response to Netanyahu’s presentation from the pro-Iran Left. Liberals, including Iran’s favorite senator, Bob Corker, are asserting that while Netanyahu showed evidence of Iran’s past development...
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March 19th, 2018
By: Rachel Alexander – – March 13, 2018 The French do it every year. Liberals love France. Have you ever met a liberal who didn’t love wine, smelly soft cheese, existentialist philosophy? Who didn’t feel weepy about the French Revolution? Who didn’t love singing La Marseillaise? So why aren’t liberals cheering when Donald Trump wants to do what the...
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