Military Policy
February 1st, 2021
For many years, the U.S. Capitol and the Capitol Hill neighborhood had been among the most impressive and accessible features of the Washington, D.C., area. No longer. Source: Capitol Hill Fence — Washington D.C. Security Concerns Must Not Result in the Fortification | National Review
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January 25th, 2021
national guard marches in front of capitol
No speculation is needed. Those who wield power are demanding it. The only question is how much opposition they will encounter.
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December 28th, 2020
Retired General Lloyd Austin
While members of the House of Representatives usually do not have a say in confirming an incoming administration’s personnel, the Biden team’s decision to name Lloyd Austin as secretary of defense has given them a seat at the table.
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September 9th, 2020
rioters, tear gas, White House
As if 2020 were not insane enough already, we now have Democrats and their ruling class masters openly talking about staging a coup. You might have missed it, what with the riots, lockdowns and other daily mayhem we’re forced to endure in this, the most wretched year of my lifetime. But it’s happening. It started with the military brass quietly...
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September 9th, 2020
Military mail-in Ballot
Most Americans have the freedom to decide how to exercise their sacred right to vote, but those who serve us best have the fewest options. There are approximately 1.3 million men and women serving in our Armed Forces with roughly 340,000 posted abroad. Most military members serving on American soil live on bases away from their official residence. Source: Military jobs are...
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February 18th, 2020
Donald Trump in Oval Office
By: Ellen Mitchell – – February 17, 2020 Lawmakers are calling out the Trump administration over its latest plan to shift billions of dollars meant for the Pentagon’s budget to instead pay for border wall construction. The top Democrat and Republican on the House Armed Services Committee are among the numerous lawmakers that last week pushed back on President...
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January 9th, 2020
Democrat press conference
By: Nick Arama – – January 8, 2020 What’s really been embarrassing about the whole Iran issue is watching how Democrats have behaved since the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad was attacked, first accusing Trump of doing nothing, then attacking him when he responded and took out IRGC terrorist leader Qasem Soleimani. Soleimani’s pro-Iranian militia were behind multiple recent rocket attacks...
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January 9th, 2020
Sen. Mike Lee & Sen. Rand Paul
By: Henry Rodgers – – January 8, 2020 Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee left a classified Capitol Hill intelligence briefing on the situation in Iran held by the White House visibly angry Wednesday, saying he will now support a resolution to establish control over President Donald Trump’s military powers. Both Lee and Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul addressed the...
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September 10th, 2019
President Trump profile
By: Staff – – September 9, 2019 US President Donald Trump says talks with the Taliban aimed at ending the 18-year war in Afghanistan are “dead”. “As far as I’m concerned, they are dead,” he told White House reporters on Monday. Over the weekend Mr Trump cancelled secret plans to host a Taliban delegation in the US after the...
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August 30th, 2019
VA Hospital - Long Beach, California
By: Fred Lucas – – August 26, 2019 As a kid, Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie recalls, he visited a VA hospital at Christmastime. “One of my fondest memories growing up, we used to sing Christmas carols at the VA hospital in Fayetteville, North Carolina,” Wilkie told The Daily Signal, sitting in a 10th-floor office at VA headquarters on Vermont Avenue...
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